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Plastic SCM - CI testing

This repository contains docker-compose projects we use to develop and test our CI plugins.

These environment are work in progress, as we expand them when we have the need.

They might seem too basic or rough, but that's because they're only intended for testing environments! Please don't use them in your production environments. However, they might be useful to build your Docker images if you're interested in using Plastic SCM in your dockerized CI setup.


This environment provisions one Bamboo server and one Bamboo agent, both with cm installed. The HTTP server will listen in port 8085.

Make sure you provide a valid client.conf in bamboo/client/config! The agent and the server will use it to run the Plastic SCM Shell. You need to use the appropriate server name or IP.

The server will start with the default Plastic SCM plugin, copied from the distributed package. However, we need to upload development version of the plugin. It's a version 1 plugin, so we need to copy the JAR file in the atlassian-bamboo/WEB-INF/lib directory before the server starts. Simply place your custom plugin build in the server/plugins directory and Docker will do the rest.

Bamboo will save its home contents in server/home. All Bamboo data will appear there, so you can start up any new container -even with newer images- at any moment. All your Bamboo configurations will be there.

When you're all set up, run docker-compose up in the bamboo directory.


This environment provisions one Jenkins server and one Jenkins slave, both with cm installed. The HTTP server will listen in port 8080.

Make sure you provide a valid client.conf for the server and the slave. The server client.conf needs to be in jenkins/server/home/.plastic4, whereas the slave one needs to be in jenkins/slave/client-config.

This difference comes from how the Jenkins server is set up: the $HOME directory of the jenkins user is the JENKINS_HOME as well, so we need to place our .plastic4 directory there.

Keep in mind that you need to use the appropriate server name or IP in both client.conf files.

The server will start with the latest Plastic SCM plugin version installed. We don't currently have a way to start the Jenkins server with a custom plugin installed, but you can always install a new plugin using the web interface. The Jenkins server is able to restart to load the new installed plugins.

As we mentioned, Jenkins will save its home contents in server/home. All Jenkins data (logs, build results, artifacts, etc.) will appear there, so you can start up any new container -even with newer images- at any moment. Everything will be still there.

Remember to write someting in jenkins/slave/secret.txt. At first you won't know what should go there, just ensure the file exists. You need to wait until the server is set up, and then go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Nodes and Clouds.

Register there a new node. Be sure to name it as defined in jenkins/docker-compose.yml! Once registered, the node page will show you the secret token you need to write in jenkins/slave/secret.txt.

When you're all set up, run docker-compose up in the jenkins directory.

Points of improvement

  1. The Jenkins slave needs to be registered manually
  2. The Jenkins slave needs to wait until the Jenkins server is able to register agents
    1. Right now it waits until the server accepts connections, but then the server returns 503 status codes


This environment provisions one TeamCity server and one TeamCity agent, both with cm installed. The HTTP server will listen in port 8111.

Ensure you provide a valid client.conf for both containers. Place the server configuration in teamcity/server/plastic-config and the agent configuration in teamcity/agent/plastic-config.

Keep in mind that you need to use the appropriate server name or IP in both client.conf files. You can use host.docker.internal if your Plastic SCM server is running in the Docker host.

You'll need to manually install the Plastic SCM plugin using the TeamCity UI.

The server will save information in teamcity/server/data. Its logs will appear in teamcity/server/logs.

When you're all set up, run docker compose up in the teamcity directory.