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File metadata and controls

579 lines (496 loc) · 27.3 KB

Design of LNamespace


Historically, the tenants of our GKE clusters at Loblaw Digital has been managed via a gitops repo called shipyard/builder. We propose a drop in replacement for shipyard/builder in the form of a CRD called LNamespace.


As the number of tenants increase, a GitOps flow begins to strain at its own limitations:

  • The number of merge requests increase as your user base scales
  • The power of a merge request is simultaneously its downfall; It's possible to put a governance project, but it's not a good idea to. This creates pushback from our users ("why can't we do it like this? it'd be so much easier.")

A clean interface (read: clean, well formed input data) is necessary for clearly communicating what is and is not possible in a system. This solution aims to replace the tenant management portion of shipyard/builder to reduce the workload of shipyard maintainers.


Drop in replacement for the functionality of shipyard/builder.

Brief requirements, expanded below:

  • Access control. This sets up the whole permission model of the cluster.
    • Permission model
  • Billing metadata



Note that we originally intended on creating a Namespace resource, and was blocked by a bug on Namespace CRDs.

User Stories (Optional)

Story 1

kubectl create lns

Story 2

Notes/Constraints/Caveats (Optional)

Risks and Mitigations

Design Details

Billing metadata

The user making the request should have some sort of default billing metadata on their namespace. This data could potentially be sourced via their Google Group data, but it's unclear how, since user -> group mapping is many:many.

The namespace billing data must be pushed to a table on bigquery -- the table, dataset, and project names shall be provided via configuration.

The design of the billing controller is designed such that the bq can be mocked via any engine that supports the SQL spec. For testing, we use datadog's sqlmock.

Permission model

With this feature, we intend to introduce the concept of sudoers into kubernetes. With a multitenant system, an added layer complexity is getting sudo permissions on the namespace layer. As such, we intend to design it as such:

  • All loblaw accounts have access to a view-only permission set by default.
  • Editing to the normal set of resources is given by a user list.
  • Editing the lnamespace definition is given by a managers list.
  • Editing of low level resources, in addition to all of the above permissions is given by a sudoers list.

Normal permissions will be bound in a normal manner (a long lived RoleBinding). However, sudo permissions will be bound to a group that must be impersonated by setting the Impersonate-Group header on the request. The user will have an alias set up, such that the experience will be similar something like: kubectl sudo edit lns namespace-sample.

Unfortunately, this doesn't allow for the trick: `sudo !!`. 

This means that during lnamespace set up, an RBAC controller will read the User list. For each user, grant a rolebinding to edit a common list of resources that is defined within a role.

On the other hand, sudo permissions will be granted to a group of naming convention <namespace-name>-sudoers. As well, permission to impersonate that group will be bound to the user account of each sudoer. Therefore, the raw command that the user will need to run is as follows. Note that the experience can be improved via aliases.

kubectl --as=$USER --as-group:namespace-sample-sudoers apply -f resource.yaml

Finally, this installer also sets up the default binding for system:authenticated users. This provides the default user group for users at Loblaw, which includes viewer permissions as well as create LNamespace permissions. This is set up by aggregating the labels on view as well as authenticated, and binding group:system:authenticated to it.

Sudoer impersonation implementation details

When a sudoers list is changed, controller iterates through sudoers, and each User will have a ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding over the entire system. This allows the user to impersonate themselves, and only themselves. This is required due to a technical limitation of requiring impersonate user headers while using impersonate group headers. Each ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding will have their OwnerReferences set to the LNamespace resources that depend on them. This allows for GC when the LNamespaces are cleaned up.

  • ClusterRole - docs/resource-samples/self-impersonator-cluster-role.yaml
  • ClusterRoleBinding - docs/resource-samples/self-impersonator-cluster-role-binding.yaml

A LNamespace will have one additional ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding that denotes the sudoer group. The ClusterRoleBinding.subjects shall map with the sudoers list in the LNamespace resource. This allows the user to impersonate the sudoer group when they require elevated permissions.

  • ClusterRole - docs/resource-samples/sudoer-impersonator-cluster-role.yaml
  • ClusterRoleBinding - docs/resource-samples/sudoer-impersonator-cluster-role-binding.yaml

Why are the above ClusterRoles, and not Roles?

Users and groups cannot be namespaced -- they're cluster wide resources. Therefore, the impersonation steps must be done on a cluster wide scale before operating on namespace aware resources.

Finally, a sudoer group shall have cluster-admin permissions inside of the namespace, as well as edit permissions on its specific LNamespace resource. . This requires a rolebinding to bind the cluster-admin permission inside of the namespace, as well as a cluster role and cluster role binding to bind editor permissions to only this LNamespace:

  • RoleBinding - docs/resource-samples/sudoer-group-cluster-admin-role-binding.yaml
  • ClusterRole - docs/resource-samples/sudoer-lnamespace-edit-cluster-role.yaml
  • ClusterRoleBinding - docs/resource-samples/sudoer-lnamespace-edit-cluster-role-binding.yaml

Manager RBAC

Managers are permanently bound with the ability to edit their LNamespaces, but will have no other permissions by default.


User RBAC will be created and bound for the lifetime of the user entry. This means that the user will have access to their user permissions without needing to impersonate another group. However, it's important to consider that users may soon desire different types.

If users were to desire different types, they will need to be familiar with the concept of Roles and RoleBindings. The user will be responsible for maintaining their Roles and RoleBindings with their sudoer permissions, and the custom users shall simply be removed from the Users list of the LNamespace.

Users should be afforded all permissions. However there are a few permissions that should not be afforded. Notably, Namespace editing should not be provided to a user except in very specific circumstances. I have vetted the admin role that is provided as part of bootstrapping, and it does not contain namespace edit permissions. However, the downside with this approach is that it is unclear how to differentiate between cluster-admin and admin, as there is no comprehensive list of what the cluster-admin role contains. In addition, admin is a construct controlled by k8s, and so the permissions granted by admin may change.

Specifically, admin is built via aggregation of label selectors. To get a detailed view of what the admin role entails, run the command kubectl get clusterrole -l"true". The results of this command will have to be reviewed every GKE version. At the latest review of this:

NAME                        AGE
cert-manager-edit           12d
cert-manager-view           12d
edit                        12d
system:aggregate-to-admin   12d

All of these permissions do not contain namespace editing permissions.

User permissions will need to be vetted every GKE version. There will need to be a "last vetted" version of kubectl api-resources, and each new version will compared against the last vetted version.

RBAC Cleanup

The default controller logic for garbage collection is only invoked when the parent resource is deleted from the server. However, we require that sudoer and user RBAC resources be cleaned up when their usernames are removed from their respective lists.

The self impersonator CR/CRB in particular is a shared CR/CRB across multiple namespaces. The requirements for these resources are that: delete iff no LNamespace resources contain that user in the sudoers list.

controllerbuilder.Owns by default only updates the ownerResource with controller: true. Therefore, we watch and notify all owning resources with the correct labels instead of just controller: true.

If a lns is deleted, the GC will clean up the owner reference on the CR/CRB resources. The GC will also clean up any resources if after owner resource cleanup len(ownerReferences) == 0.

Therefore, RBAC controller needs to account for edit logic only. On edit, the RBAC controller needs to get all owned resources, and compare to the current sudoers list. The algo:

  • The RBAC controller will list all CR/CRB.
  • For each CR/CRB, if there exists an owner reference pointing to the lns:
    • Check if sudoers list contains CR/CRB subject.User. If yes, leave it.
      • If no, trigger the GC by setting the UUID of the owner reference to mark-for-deletion.

The GC shall remove the ownerReference, and delete the resource entirely if there are no other owners.

Test Plan

E2E testing shall be completed via a test user. For example:

  • The tester creates lns resource with the User/Sudoer list set to Name richard-song-test-user with Kind User
  • The tester tests under that user with --as and --as-group flags. For example: kubectl auth can-i --as=richard-song-test-user get po

When impersonation specific attributes need to be tested, the kind cluster will have to generate a new user. Details can be found here: hack/ is provided for your convenience.

We encourage package_test style tests. This allows us to test the public facing interfaces without reaching in and caring too much about the implementation details.

Testing strategy for webhooks

Note that webhooks report back a list of json patches that need to be completed on the requested, and the API server is the one that actually applies the JSON patches. To lighten our test cases as much as possible, test cases should inspect response's JSON patches list instead of actually applying them.

Graduation Criteria

Upgrade / Downgrade Strategy

Version Skew Strategy

Production Readiness Review Questionnaire

Feature Enablement and Rollback

This section must be completed when targeting alpha to a release.

  • How can this feature be enabled / disabled in a live cluster?
  • Feature gate (also fill in values in kep.yaml) - Feature gate name: - Components depending on the feature gate: - [ ] Other - Describe the mechanism: - Will enabling / disabling the feature require downtime of the control plane? - Will enabling / disabling the feature require downtime or reprovisioning of a node? (Do not assume Dynamic Kubelet Config feature is enabled).
  • Does enabling the feature change any default behavior? Any change of default behavior may be surprising to users or break existing automations, so be extremely careful here.

  • Can the feature be disabled once it has been enabled (i.e. can we roll back the enablement)? Also set disable-supported to true or false in kep.yaml. Describe the consequences on existing workloads (e.g., if this is a runtime feature, can it break the existing applications?).

  • What happens if we reenable the feature if it was previously rolled back?

  • Are there any tests for feature enablement/disablement? The e2e framework does not currently support enabling or disabling feature gates. However, unit tests in each component dealing with managing data, created with and without the feature, are necessary. At the very least, think about conversion tests if API types are being modified.

Rollout, Upgrade and Rollback Planning

This section must be completed when targeting beta graduation to a release.

  • How can a rollout fail? Can it impact already running workloads? Try to be as paranoid as possible - e.g., what if some components will restart mid-rollout?

  • What specific metrics should inform a rollback?

  • **Were upgrade and rollback tested? Was the upgrade->downgrade->upgrade path

  • tested?** Describe manual testing that was done and the outcomes. Longer term, we may want to require automated upgrade/rollback tests, but we are missing a bunch of machinery and tooling and can't do that now.

  • **Is the rollout accompanied by any deprecations and/or removals of features,

  • APIs, fields of API types, flags, etc.?** Even if applying deprecation policies, they may still surprise some users.

Monitoring Requirements

This section must be completed when targeting beta graduation to a release.

  • How can an operator determine if the feature is in use by workloads? Ideally, this should be a metric. Operations against the Kubernetes API (e.g., checking if there are objects with field X set) may be a last resort. Avoid logs or events for this purpose.
  • **What are the SLIs (Service Level Indicators) an operator can use to
  • determine the health of the service?** - [ ] Metrics - Metric name: - [Optional] Aggregation method: - Components exposing the metric: - [ ] Other (treat as last resort) - Details:
  • **What are the reasonable SLOs (Service Level Objectives) for the above
  • SLIs?** At a high level, this usually will be in the form of "high percentile of SLI per day <= X". It's impossible to provide comprehensive guidance, but at the very high level (needs more precise definitions) those may be things like: - per-day percentage of API calls finishing with 5XX errors <= 1% - 99% percentile over day of absolute value from (job creation time minus expected job creation time) for cron job <= 10% - 99,9% of /health requests per day finish with 200 code
  • **Are there any missing metrics that would be useful to have to improve
  • observability of this feature?** Describe the metrics themselves and the reasons why they weren't added (e.g., cost, implementation difficulties, etc.).


This section must be completed when targeting beta graduation to a release.

  • Does this feature depend on any specific services running in the cluster? Think about both cluster-level services (e.g. metrics-server) as well as node-level agents (e.g. specific version of CRI). Focus on external or optional services that are needed. For example, if this feature depends on a cloud provider API, or upon an external software-defined storage or network control plane.

For each of these, fill in the following—thinking about running existing user workloads and creating new ones, as well as about cluster-level services (e.g. DNS): - [Dependency name] - Usage description: - Impact of its outage on the feature: - Impact of its degraded performance or high-error rates on the feature:


For alpha, this section is encouraged: reviewers should consider these questions and attempt to answer them.

For beta, this section is required: reviewers must answer these questions.

For GA, this section is required: approvers should be able to confirm the previous answers based on experience in the field.

  • Will enabling / using this feature result in any new API calls? Describe them, providing: - API call type (e.g. PATCH pods) - estimated throughput - originating component(s) (e.g. Kubelet, Feature-X-controller) focusing mostly on: - components listing and/or watching resources they didn't before - API calls that may be triggered by changes of some Kubernetes resources (e.g. update of object X triggers new updates of object Y) - periodic API calls to reconcile state (e.g. periodic fetching state, heartbeats, leader election, etc.)
  • Will enabling / using this feature result in introducing new API types? Describe them, providing: - API type - Supported number of objects per cluster - Supported number of objects per namespace (for namespace-scoped objects)
  • Will enabling / using this feature result in any new calls to the cloud provider?
  • Will enabling / using this feature result in increasing size or count of the existing API objects? Describe them, providing: - API type(s): - Estimated increase in size: (e.g., new annotation of size 32B) - Estimated amount of new objects: (e.g., new Object X for every existing Pod)
  • Will enabling / using this feature result in increasing time taken by any operations covered by [existing SLIs/SLOs]? Think about adding additional work or introducing new steps in between (e.g. need to do X to start a container), etc. Please describe the details.
  • Will enabling / using this feature result in non-negligible increase of resource usage (CPU, RAM, disk, IO, ...) in any components? Things to keep in mind include: additional in-memory state, additional non-trivial computations, excessive access to disks (including increased log volume), significant amount of data sent and/or received over network, etc. This through this both in small and large cases, again with respect to the [supported limits].


The Troubleshooting section currently serves the Playbook role. We may consider splitting it into a dedicated Playbook document (potentially with some monitoring details). For now, we leave it here.

This section must be completed when targeting beta graduation to a release.

  • How does this feature react if the API server and/or etcd is unavailable?

  • What are other known failure modes? For each of them, fill in the following information by copying the below template: - [Failure mode brief description] - Detection: How can it be detected via metrics? Stated another way: how can an operator troubleshoot without logging into a master or worker node? - Mitigations: What can be done to stop the bleeding, especially for already running user workloads? - Diagnostics: What are the useful log messages and their required logging levels that could help debug the issue? Not required until feature graduated to beta. - Testing: Are there any tests for failure mode? If not, describe why.

  • **What steps should be taken if SLOs are not being met to determine the

  • problem?** [supported limits]: [existing SLIs/SLOs]:

Implementation History



Infrastructure Needed (Optional)