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File metadata and controls

289 lines (237 loc) · 11.1 KB

PSLX built-in container implements a DAG connected graph structure. For each container (graph), the node is defined as an operator, and therefore, each operator contains a dictionary of its children operators and parent operators. The execute flow of the container will then start from the root and finish after all the leaf operators are done.

Each operator defined in a container will have status of Status.IDLE, Status.WAITING, Status.RUNNING, Status.SUCCEEDED and Status.FAILED. The operator will be in Status.IDLE if its parents are not waiting for being executed, and will be in Status.WAITING if its parents in the process of being executed now. Then it will turn to the status of Status.RUNNING when all its parents are done executing, and its final status could be one of Status.SUCCEEDED and Status.FAILED depending on the execution. One failure in the container graph will result in failure in all the subsequent operators.

PSLX has two kinds of data models: DataModelType.BATCH and DataModelType.STREAMING, and the enums are defined as protobuf enums (Please check the section of schema). DataModelType.BATCH mode supports running operators in multi-thread fashion, and allows each operator to send its status to the backend, while DataModelType.STREAMING only supports sending status to the backend when the container starts and ends. For the execution, DataModelType.STREAMING allows operators to fail in the middle, while for DataModelType.BATCH, one failure in an operator will result in the failure of the overall container. The two types of operations all have the following functions:

Operator Documentation

!!! note The base implementation of operator is in, and the ones for the DataModelType.BATCH and DataModelType.STREAMING are in batch/ and streaming/, respectively.

__init__(operator_name, logger)
  • Description: Construct an operator.
  • Arguments:
    1. operator_name: the name of the operator.
    2. logger: the logger for the operator.
  • Description: change the data model to a different model.
  • Arguments:
    1. model: the new data model, one of DataModelType.BATCH and DataModelType.STREAMING.
  • Description: Unset the preset data model to DataModelType.DEFAULT.
  • Description: Get the model of the operator.
  • Return: data model of the operator, one of DataModelType.BATCH, DataModelType.STREAMING and DataModelType.DEFAULT.
  • Description: Set the status of the operator.
  • Arguments:
    1. status: the new status, one of Status.IDLE, Status.WAITING, Status.RUNNING, Status.SUCCEEDED and Status.FAILED.
  • Description: Unset the status to Status.IDLE.
  • Description: Remove all the dependencies related to this operator, including removing children and parents, and the parents and children also will remove the operator.
  • Description: Get the status of the operator.
  • Return: the status of the operator, one of Status.IDLE, Status.WAITING, Status.RUNNING, Status.SUCCEEDED and Status.FAILED.
  • Description: increment the counter name by 1.
  • Arguments:
    1. counter_name: the name of the counter. The final counter name would be in the format of operator_name:counter_name.
counter_increment_by_n(counter_name, n)
  • Description: increment the counter name by n (n > 0).
  • Arguments:
    1. counter_name: the name of the counter. The final counter name would be in the format of operator_name:counter_name.
    2. n: the increment amount.
  • Description: Mark the status of the operator as Status.SUCCEEDED.
  • Description: Mark the content of the operator to be persistent, and if true, the content will be stored in the snapshot.
  • Description: Get the content contained in the operator.
  • Return: the content of the operator if the operator is persistent, otherwise None.
  • Description: Set the content of the operator.
  • Arguments:
    1. content: the new content, needed to be a protobuf message whose type can be any user defined one.
  • Description: Check whether the operator status is Status.SUCCEEDED.
  • Return: True if the operator status is Status.SUCCEEDED, otherwise False.
  • Description: Get the content from the dependency with name equal to the dependency name.
  • Arguments:
    1. dependency_name: the name of the dependency.
  • Return: Proto message contained in the operator with dependency name.
get_content_from_snapshot(snapshot_file, message_type):
  • Description: Get the content from a snapshot file.
  • Arguments:
    1. snapshot_file: the file name of the operator snapshot file.
    2. message_type: the type of the content message.
  • Return: Proto message contained in the operator snapshot file in the format of the given message type.
  • Description: Get the status from a snapshot file.
  • Arguments:
    1. snapshot_file: the file name of the operator snapshot file.
  • Return: Status contained in the operator snapshot file.
  • Description: Get the upstream unfinished operator names.
  • Return: A list of unfinished operator names from upstream.
  • Description: Check whether the models of the children and parents and the model of self are consistent.
  • Return: True if consistent, otherwise False.
is_status_consistent(operator_name, order=SortOrder.ORDER)
  • Description: Check whether the status of the children and parents and the status of self are consistent.
  • Return: True if consistent, otherwise False.
  • Description: Execute the operation implemented in the operator.
  • Description: Set the configuration of the operator. The built-in config will then add the config, and this function can be used as an entry point to control parameters in the operator.
  • Arguments:
    1. config: a dictionary containing key-value configurations. One common argument is save_snapshot, and it is true, the snapshot of the operator will be saved, and vice versa. The default value for this argument is False.

!!! info Function that needs to be implemented by any client.

  • Description: Implement the operators conducted by the operator.

Container Documentation

!!! note The base implementation of container is in, and the ones for the DataModelType.BATCH and DataModelType.STREAMING are in batch/ and streaming/, respectively.

__init__(container_name, logger)
  • Description: Construct an container with given name. Note that please make sure all the container names are unique across your application.
  • Arguments:
    1. container_name: name of the container.
    2. logger: the logger that record events.
  • Description: Binds to the container backend, described in the frontend section.
  • Arguments:
    1. server_url: the url to the rpc server.
  • Description: Initialize the container. Once a container is initialized, it is then ready for execution. An uninitialized container cannot be executed.
  • Arguments:
    1. force: whether to force the status and data model of its contained operators to be consistent with self.
  • Description: Set the status of the container.
  • Arguments:
    1. status: the new status, one of Status.IDLE, Status.WAITING, Status.RUNNING, Status.SUCCEEDED and Status.FAILED.
  • Description: Unset the status to Status.IDLE.
  • Description: Uninitialize the container.
add_operator_edge(from_operator, to_operator)
  • Description: Add a dependency edge from a from_operator to a to_operator in the container.
  • Arguments:
    1. from_operator: the upstream operator.
    2. to_operator: the downstream operator.
  • Description: Add an upstream operator outside the container. The container then will monitor the change of the snapshot of the operator until the status becomes Status.SUCCEEDED.
  • Arguments:
    1. op_snapshot_file_pattern: the snapshot file pattern of the upstream operator.
execute(is_backfill, num_threads)
  • Description: Execute the container graph.
  • Arguments:
    1. is_backfill: whether the execution runs in backfill mode. If so, the successful operators will be executed again.
    2. num_threads: number of threads used for the execution. If the container is of type DataModelType.STREAMING, this input will be ignored and only one thread is allowed.

!!! note The following function is only for CronBatchContainer and IntervalBatchContainer.

execute_now(is_backfill, num_threads)
  • Description: Execute the container graph now for once. Then there is not wait for the schedule.
  • Arguments:
    1. is_backfill: whether the execution runs in backfill mode. If so, the successful operators will be executed again.
    2. num_threads: number of threads used for the execution.

Also for CronBatchContainer and CronStreamingContainer, we do have

add_schedule(day_of_week, hour, minute=None, second=None, misfire_grace_time=None)
  • Description: Add cron like schedule to the container. There could be multiple if schedules.
  • Arguments: please check the related arguments in apscheduler.

For IntervalBatchContainer and IntervalStreamingContainer, we do have

add_schedule(days, hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0, misfire_grace_time=None)
  • Description: Add interval schedule to the container. There could be multiple if schedules.
  • Arguments: please check the related arguments in apscheduler.

In addition, there exist two other containers NonStoppingBatchContainer and NonStoppingStreamingContainer that will continously execute again immediately after one successful execution.