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Certifying builds

All of the ideas presented in this document are supported by the vaultgetcert tool that is part of GoPythonGo.

There are four common pitfalls of secret management in modern automated server configuration:

  1. Your secret configuration (like database credentials) is in your shared source code repository ("everyone on the dev team has it")

  2. Your secret configuration is in your shared configuration management repository ("everyone on the ops team has it")

  3. Even if you use a deployment specific secrets database like the dynamicsecrets pillar included in this repository, you commonly must run the configuration management before deploying new applications so their secrets are waiting for them.

  4. Worst case scenario: hard-coded credentials are duplicated in your source code and your configuration and reused between different deployment environments so you don't have to do code changes before deploying.

Generally speaking this also interferes with Continuous Delivery and also makes it really hard to rotate passwords and other secrets when people leave your company or you detected an attack. Many security standards and best practices like PCIDSS also require secrets to be rotated regularly.

So the build model ingrained into this repository is based on Hashicorp Vault and moving secret generation where it belongs: on the build server. Vault's "PKI" secret management backend creates a world where managing your own organization's certificate authorities is cheap and easily automated. This allows us to think about infrastructure where each service is authenticating clients through its own CA, even having per-environment CAs is easy to implement. This enables secret generation on the build server at scale and gives us interesting properties, like for example, easy tracking of secret propagation (what build server created the certificates used by a build at what exact time and what was the git commit hash the build was based on). By using Vault for credential management inside deployment environments we can then solve additional issues, like ensuring fine-grained audit logs.

Moving secret management to the build server in a continuous delivery environment makes sense, because:

  1. You must trust and secure your build server anyway. If it's compromised the attacker can deploy malicious code and can also read all of your hardcoded secrets.

  2. You can lock the build server down for your developers and ops people, but you can't deny them access to source code and configuration management, so this limits secret exposure throughout your organization.

  3. If you follow 12factor, as much configuration as possible should be part of your release artifacts, since a release is always code plus configuration. Most of the build and deployment ideas in this repository are based on that concept.

That said, this is what we do to reach that goal:

  1. have a build server that builds your applications for CI and CD.

  2. that build server has a (network)-local Vault instance.

  3. that Vault instance can issue certificates from a local "application CA" or "deployment environment CA" using the PKI secret backend.

  4. The build scripts (using GoPythonGo, for example) request a new certificate for each build and put them in the delivery artifact (i.e. Docker container or .deb/.rpm) together with environment variable sources (i.e. a file in /etc/defaults loaded by systemd through EnvironmentFile=) pointing to the file. The certificate has the app name in the CN attribute or is issued by an application-specific CA.

  5. Each app uses its build certificate issued by the build server to access internal services like a local PostgreSQL database (cert authentication), Vault instance, etc.

This way, every build gets it's own pair of credentials, is packaged up and sent off to be installed on your servers. Vault's PKI backend stores the CA key and has no way of exporting it short of reading its allocated RAM. The keys to unseal the build server Vault can be easily distributed using Vault's built-in key management protocols. Finally, a distributed Vault storage backend like Amazon S3 makes it easy to deploy new build servers and only few people on your Ops team need to have access to the build server and/or the CAs used to certify the automated build server PKIs. Using internal policies, split passphrases and an airgapped box, Yubikey or full-blown HSM you can ensure that no new build CAs can be certified without your knowledge.

Your configuration management only knows about the public CA certificates. Basically this works, because Vault makes running automated intermediate CAs easy and cheap.

Using Vault for resource management

If multiple environments are being serviced, they can share an application root CA with one Vault-managed intermediate CA per environment. Then, applications built for one environment can also be used in a different environment, which might be desirable if deployment artifacts are being "promoted" between environments. Since Vault is currently binding policies to CA certificates, the application must be at the root of the CA tree to allow for separating applications access to Vault resources.

In any case it is good practice to also add intermediaries for each build server, so certificates can be easily revoked if a server gets compromised or just removed. It also automatically leaves an audit trail for which server the build was built on.

                   +-------------+  manually managed
                   | myapp       |  CA pathlen: 2
                   /      |       \
          +---------+ +-------+ +---------+  manually managed
          |  Stage  | |  Dev  | |   Live  |  intermediaries pathlen: 1
          +---------+ +-------+ +---------+
          /     |       |   |       |     \
      +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+  Vault managed build server
      | B1 | | B2 | | B1 | | B2 | | B1 | | B2 |  intermediary. pathlen: 0
      +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+

Alternatively, each environment could get its own application root CA, ensuring that each build has unique credentials for its target environment meaning that builds can't be moved between environments.

     +-----------+ +-------------+ +------------+  manually managed CAs
     | myapp Dev | | myapp Stage | | myapp Live |  pathlen: 1
     +-----------+ +-------------+ +------------+
       |       |      |       |      |       |
     +----+ +----+  +----+ +----+  +----+ +----+  Vault managed build
     | B1 | | B2 |  | B1 | | B2 |  | B1 | | B2 |  server intermediaries.
     +----+ +----+  +----+ +----+  +----+ +----+  pathlen: 0

If you're willing to rotate intermediaries and transport private keys between the Vault instances or share a Vault instance between all build servers, you can cut down the number of CAs to 7 or 6 respectively and when Vault implements #1823, you can cut down the number of needed CAs even further.

Using SSL client authentication with individual resources

The above works well if you use Vault inside your environments and on the build server, so that it also issues limited database credentials to your application, because as mentioned, Vault assigns policies to the issuing CA.

However, if you want to use the build-issued certificates to authenticate to services directly, for example OpenSMTPD and PostgreSQL, you will run into the problem that each of these services can only trust a single client certificate authority at a time. So unless you have only a single application, you have two options:

  1. Don't use Vault and restructure the CA tree by putting the environment at the root(s).

            +--------+ +--------+ +--------+  manually managed CAs
            | Dev    | | Stage  | | Live   |  pathlen: 1
            +--------+ +--------+ +--------+
           /     |       |     |      |     \
      +----+ +----+  +----+ +----+  +----+ +----+  Vault managed build
      | B1 | | B2 |  | B1 | | B2 |  | B1 | | B2 |  server intermediaries.
      +----+ +----+  +----+ +----+  +----+ +----+  pathlen: 0

    PostgreSQL and most other services differentiate permissions through the certificate's CN attribute, so in this case in each environment PostgreSQL would be configured to trust the environment CA using ssl_ca_file, which can only take a single value.

  2. Use multiple trust paths.

    What this means is that you create one environment CA and one application CA. You configure Vault to trust the application CA and non-Vault-managed services to trust the environment CA. Then you create the one intermediary CA, which one doesn't matter. Then you cross-sign the intermediary from the other root CA. This will give you multiple valid certificate chains. You then create one certificate for each build with two valid certificate chains, each leading to a different root: one using the application CA intermediary certificate which was signed by the application root CA and one using the application CA intermediary certificate signed by the environment CA. You ship both chains with your application and configure/program the application to present the correct certificate chain when interacting with Vault or another service. Note: The intermediary certificates each use the same public/private key pair.

    In this case PostgreSQL would be configured to trust the environment root CA, allowing it to service multiple different applications and Vault would be configured to trust the application root CA allowing it to bind policies to the CA.

         +---------+  +-----------+  manually managed root CAs
         |  Stage  |  | myapp Dev |  pathlen: 1
         +---------+  +-----------+
               |          |
        |  Cross-signed build server |  Vault managed build server
        |  (2 certificates for one   |  intermediary. pathlen: 0
        |  intermediary CA keypair)  |

    Unfortunately this requires a bit more logic on the application's side as it has to present the correct certificate chain when it talks to a service. In GoPythonGo's toolchain, vaultgetcert supports this through its --xsign-cacert and --output-bundle-envvar parameters, which create 12factor environment variable settings in appconfig format to make selecting the right trust-path easy.

Why not make this a tidy tree and put a organization root CA at the top?

Because OpenSSL and by extension most software using libssl, will follow the trust path of a SSL client certificate to the "logical end of the trust chain", a self-signed CA. This means that you usually can't terminate a trust chain at an intermediary CA. In other words: Your services would trust every certificate signed by any intermediary under your root CA, not just the PKI branch represented.

Local development

Local development is easy since developers can just use a local environment that uses username/password auth instead by setting the required environment variables.

Since the dev/stage/production environments rely on Smartstack, all applications expect to find their required services on localhost anyway.

For extra security or at least a better audit trail, the live system could require applications to use their "appcert" to request credentials for their database through their local Vault instance, thereby leaving an audit trail for the database credentials.

Using cross-signed client certificates with different software

Python requests

You pass the correct bundle into the cert= keyword parameter. The file contains:

  1. The client certificate issued by the build server intermediary
  2. The application CA or environment CA cross-signature
requests.get(url, cert=('cert_plus_intermediate_from_correct_root.pem', 'key.pem'))


To test this setup you'll want to run openssl s_server and openssl s_client against each other:

# run a local TLS1.2 server on port 8443
openssl s_server \
    -cert server_cert.pem \
    -key server_key.pem
    -Verify 3
    -CAfile application_or_environment_root+server_intermediary(if_needed).pem
    -accept 8443

# connect to this server, if this works client *and* server have verified
# correctly
openssl s_client \
    -cert client_cert.pem \
    -key client_key.pem \
    -CAfile application_or_environment_intermediary(x-signed)+server_root.pem \
    -tls1_2 \
    -showcerts \
    -verify 3 \
    -verify_return_error \
    -connect localhost:8443

server_cert.pem and server_key.pem haven't been mentioned in this document, they are simply normal server-side SSL certificates. If you don't have any, you must create one.

application_or_environment_root+server_intermediary(if_needed).pem is a concatenated text file containing whichever of your two client root CAs you want to use and if your server certificate was signed (as is commonly the case) by an intermediary CA itself, you must also include that certificate so the client can build a trust chain to the server certificate's CA.

application_or_environment_intermediary(x-signed)+server_root.pem is a concatenated text file containing the cross-signature intermediary certificate that is right for the client root CA you chose for the server. Since OpenSSL does not read the system certificate store, you also must include the root CA for server_cert.pem, so your client can validate the server's certificate before presenting its client certificate.

client_cert.pem and client_key.pem are the client certificate and its private key as issued by the cross-signed intermediary CA managed by Vault (see the Vault cheatsheet below on how to issue a client certificate using the PKI secret backend).

What about -CApath

Instead of creating concatenated files, you could also use a folder containing all of the necessary certificates in individual files using the -CApath command-line parameter. However, that folder must be in hashdir format. See the OpenSSL verify manpage to find out what that is. If you don't provide it like that, OpenSSL will just silently fail certificate validation!

Command cheatsheet

# Create a "Myapp Dev" CA using openssl or other appropriate software.
# That CA will be installed in the environment's Vault.

# Mount one PKI backend per environment that gets its own builds on this server
# and allow builds to remain valid for 1 year (tune to your specifications)
vault mount -path=pki-myapp-dev -default-lease-ttl=8760h \
    -max-lease-ttl=8760h pki

# Generate an intermediate CA with a 2048 bit key (default)
vault write pki-myapp-dev/intermediate/generate/internal \
    common_name="Myapp Dev Automated Build Server CA X1"

# Sign the intermediate CA using your private Myapp Dev CA
# then write the certificate back to the Vault store
vault write pki-myapp-dev/intermediate/set-signed certificate=-

# Cross sign the certificate with your environment CA if you
# want to follow the split model described above!

# You can also use the root certificate with a trustchain
# in the client certificate.
vault write pki-myapp-dev/roles/build ttl=8760h allow_localhost=false \
    allow_ip_sans=false server_flag=false client_flag=true \
    allow_any_name=true key_type=rsa

# Request a build certificate for a build
# We "hack" the git hash into a domain name SAN because Vault currently
# doesn't support freetext SANs. This should run in your build scripts.
vault write pki-myapp-dev/issue/build common_name="vaultadmin" \
    alt_names="024572834273498734.git" exclude_cn_from_sans=true