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Codewars Katas

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Money, Money, Money


Mr. Scrooge has a sum of money 'P' that wants to invest, and he wants to know how many years 'Y' this sum has to be kept in the bank in order for this sum of money to amount to 'D'.

The sum is kept for 'Y' years in the bank where interest 'I' is paid yearly, and the new sum is re-invested yearly after paying tax 'T'

Note that the principal is not taxed but only the year's accrued interest


Let P be the Principal = 1000.00
Let I be the Interest Rate = 0.05
Let T be the Tax Rate = 0.18      
Let D be the Desired Sum = 1100.00

After 1st Year --> P = 1041.00
After 2nd Year --> P = 1083.86
After 3rd Year --> P = 1128.30

Thus Mr. Scrooge has to wait for 3 years for the initial pricipal to ammount to the desired sum.

Your task is to complete the method provided and return the number of years 'Y' as a whole in order for Mr. Scrooge to get the desired sum.

Assumptions : Assume that Desired Principal 'D' is always greater than the initial principal, however it is best to take into consideration that if the Desired Principal 'D' is equal to Principal 'P' this should return 0 Years.

Give me a Diamond


This kata is to practice simple string output. Jamie is a programmer, and James' girlfriend. She likes diamonds, and wants a diamond string from James. Since James doesn't know how to make this happen, he needs your help.


You need to return a string that displays a diamond shape on the screen using asterisk ("*") characters. Please see provided test cases for exact output format.

The shape that will be returned from print method resembles a diamond, where the number provided as input represents the number of *’s printed on the middle line. The line above and below will be centered and will have 2 less *’s than the middle line. This reduction by 2 *’s for each line continues until a line with a single * is printed at the top and bottom of the figure.

Return null if input is even number or negative (as it is not possible to print diamond with even number or negative number).

Please see provided test case(s) for examples.

Find The Parity Outlier


You are given an array (which will have a length of at least 3, but could be very large) containing integers. The array is either entirely comprised of odd integers or entirely comprised of even integers except for a single integer N. Write a method that takes the array as an argument and returns N.

For example:

[2, 4, 0, 100, 4, 11, 2602, 36]

Should return: 11

[160, 3, 1719, 19, 11, 13, -21]

Should return: 160

Decode the Morse code


In this kata you have to write a simple Morse code decoder. While the Morse code is now mostly superceded by voice and digital data communication channels, it still has its use in some applications around the world. The Morse code encodes every character as a sequence of "dots" and "dashes". For example, the letter A is coded as ·−, letter Q is coded as −−·−, and digit 1 is coded as ·−−−. The Morse code is case-insensitive, traditionally capital letters are used. When the message is written in Morse code, a single space is used to separate the character codes and 3 spaces are used to separate words. For example, the message HEY JUDE in Morse code is ···· · −·−− ·−−− ··− −·· ·.

NOTE: Extra spaces before or after the code have no meaning and should be ignored.

In addition to letters, digits and some punctuation, there are some special service codes, the most notorious of those is the international distress signal SOS (that was first issued by Titanic), that is coded as ···−−−···. These special codes are treated as single special characters, and usually are transmitted as separate words.

Your task is to implement a function decodeMorse(morseCode), that would take the morse code as input and return a decoded human-readable string.


MorseCodeDecoder.decode(".... . -.--   .--- ..- -.. .")
//should return "HEY JUDE"

Create Phone Number


Write a function that accepts an array of 10 integers (between 0 and 9), that returns a string of those numbers in the form of a phone number.


Kata.createPhoneNumber(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0}) // => returns "(123) 456-7890"

The returned format must be correct in order to complete this challenge. Don't forget the space after the closing parenthese!