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DRAFT Stablecoin Working Group Charter proposal

Please note that the below is just an example of a starting point for discussion. The details need to be worked out

The Stablecoin Working Group Charter establishes the Scope, intellectual property terms used to develop the materials identified and details the related requirements and operational processes important for the Working Group’s operation.

Working Group Name: Stablecoin Working Group

Meeting Cadence: Weekly on Tuesdays 3:00-3:45 pm BST

Working Group Aim

Support the implementation of stablecoins into Cardano. This Working Group will foster the development of CIPs and other proposals (new features, enhancements..) to launch stablecoins into Cardano that are appropriate to the community's needs. These proposals will also serve as a blueprint to onboard other stablecoin partners.

###Operations and duties

Working Group Responsibilities

  • Advice and help to document CIPs and other proposals from inception to implementation.
  • Advice and help for all aspects of the development and implementation of each proposal.
  • Advice and help to identify and prioritize backlog of work
  • Advice and help to aggregate and reconcile all comments, suggestions and feedback for all deliverables
  • Advice and help to provide input and coordinate comments from the Cardano community
  • Create a public (GitHub, live meetings) forum for the discussion of these issues and projects

Initial Working Group Members

Positions and names to be agreed and confirmed in the coming sessions as the group is currently being formed

  • Chair
  • Members

Chair Selection

Chairs shall be volunteers or elected by the members, with no more than four chairs serving at one time. Service shall be evaluated annually, with no maximum term. The Chair/s of the working group will rotate every two months to ensure equal participation from all members of the working group.

Chair Duties

Driving inclusivity, identifying consensus within the group, and recording decisions. Ensuring compliance with the rules and principles established in this document. Being a liaison between the group and all groups with which the group is coordinating. Organizing the smooth operation of the group.

New members

This is a community-led initiative so we encourage members of the Cardano community who want to support the development and implementation of stablecoins into Cardano to join the Stablecoin Working Group starting by joining the Discord Channel

Join our discord server (, and verify. Submit your discord handle in this single-field form ( Access will be granted within 24hrs.


Members of the Working Group are committed to a high standard of public behaviour and strive to treat every person with respect.


Decision Making

Consensus/Voting/Approval. Each Working Group will endeavour to make all decisions by consensus. Where the Working Group cannot reach consensus with respect to a particular decision, the Stablecoin Working Group will make that decision by a supermajority vote of the Working Group Participants, as applicable.

Repository and Deliverable Development


The repository is designed to simplify and consolidate GitHub status tracking of work items managed by the Stablecoin Working Group.

Proposed workflow

Idea: Any Working Group member may submit a proposed idea as a candidate. This will be raised as an issue in Github. The Working Group will agree if they want to work on this.

Pre-Draft. If The Working Group decides to work on one of the ideas, a member will create a branch that points to the corresponding issue and uploads one or more documents (as text markdown files). Then the Working Group members work on the documents until a first draft is complete.

Draft. Once the documents are ready for review, a Pull Request is created, assigning at least two reviewers.

Review. The Working Group members will review the documents and make any comments or suggestions. An iterative process starts with the interaction between reviewers and the draft’s editors.

Working Group Approval. Once every comment is solved and reviewers are happy with the documents, the PR is approved. Then the branch is ready to be merged into the master branch.

Link to Stablecoin working Group Github repository:


Repository Maintainer

Maintainers are expected to handle the repository management as described in the Repository Process.

Repository Maintainer selection

Maintainers must be Working Group Participants selected by Working Group Participants via consensus. At least 3 maintainers to be active at any given time operating the Repository Process for the Working Group. Maintainers must have different company affiliations to represent the diversity of the Working Group.

Success Criteria

  • Successful implementation of at least one Cardano native stablecoin
  • 10 proposals defined and documented


This initiative is funded by the members of the Working Group, by providing the necessary resources, time and expertise. We encourage members of the Working groups to find different sources of funding.

Copyright Policy.

Each Working Group must specify the copyright mode under which it will operate prior to initiating any work on any Draft Deliverable or Approved Deliverable other than source code.

Approved Deliverable Patent Licensing.

Each Working Group must specify the patent mode under which it will operate prior to initiating any work on any Draft Deliverable or Approved Deliverable other than source code.

Source Code

Working Group Participants contributing source code to this Working Group agree that those source code contributions are subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin version 1.1, available at, and the license indicated below. Source code may not be a required element of an Approved Deliverable specification.

Apache 2.0, available at

Non-Working Group Participant Feedback and Participation.

The Stablecoin Working Group can request feedback from and/or allow Non-Working Group Participant participation in the Stablecoin Working Group subject to each Non-Working Group Participant agreeing to the below Feedback Agreement.

Feedback agreement

The Stablecoin Working Group is supporting the development of CIPs, processes, specs, and implementations of stablecoins. The Stablecoin Working Group would like to receive input, suggestions and other feedback (“Feedback”) on the Materials. By participating on this Working group, you (on behalf of yourself if you are an individual and your company if you are providing Feedback on behalf of the company) grant the Stablecoin Working Group all applicable intellectual property rights owned or controlled by you or your company a non-exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free license to use, disclose, copy, publish, license, modify, sublicense or otherwise distribute and exploit Feedback you provide for the purpose of developing and promoting the Materials and in connection with any product that implements and complies with the Materials. You warrant to the best of your knowledge that you have rights to provide this Feedback, and if you are providing Feedback on behalf of a company, you warrant that you have the rights to provide Feedback on behalf of your company. You also acknowledge that the Stablecoin Working group is not required to incorporate your Feedback into any version of the Materials. You further agree that you and your company will not disclose it or distribute drafts of the non-public Stablecoin Working Group Materials to third parties. Unless the parties agree otherwise or the Stablecoin working group materials are made publicly available by the Stablecoin Working Group, this obligation of non-disclosure will expire five (5) years from the date the material was disclosed to you.

Source Code

Any source code you provide to the Stablecoin Working Group is subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin version 1.1, available at and the Apache 2.0, available at