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Releases: informatici/openhospital


22 Dec 15:19
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OpenHospital v1.11.1

Note: OpenHospital IS NOT vulnerable to the critical log4j security issue CVE-2021-44228.
However, as an extra security measure, we have introduced a small configuration change in order to prevent possibile security risks.

  • New: Windows 11 support!
  • Startup scripts updated and optimized
  • Updated documentation and demo data
  • Updated JRE and MariaDB
  • New splash and logos ! Thanks to Stefania Bergo
  • New website ! Check out
  • Bug fixes and improvements


Brought to you by:

  • Informatici Senza Frontiere
  • Open source community
  • Uni2grow Camerun
  • Intesys s.r.l.

Languages: French, Italian, English, Portuguese, Swahili, German, Spanish, Arabic
Brought to you by Transifex community

Release notes details (click to expand)

Release notes


OP-724 [OH-GUI] Bill not saving in SINGLEUSER mode
OP-720 [OH-GUI] Sorting is failing in Admission/Patient \ Data, while it is working in Admission/Patient \ Clinical Sheet - Workaround
OP-719 [OH-GUI] Manage concurrent access in OPD for OPD_PROG_YEAR field
OP-716 [OH-CORE] DICOM loading time degrades with number of records
OP-714 [OH-GUI] Therapy add visit doesn't take in account sex in Ward selection
OP-713 [CORE] - To delete a visit from worksheet doesn't reflect in the related OPD
OP-712 Visit Date on Delivery tab of Admission record is always blank
OP-711 [OH-GUI] Clinical Sheet report problems
OP-710 [OH-GUI] Run Disease List Report has IPD and OPD columns swapped
OP-709 [OH-GUI] Run Exam List Report by Type not showing "Procedure 3" exams (EXA_PROC=3)
OP-700 [OH-GUI] Setting next visit in OPD causes validation error (ward)
OP-697 OH GUI - Operation combobox editable
OP-682 Patient search slow with ENHANCEDSEARCH=yes
OP-679 NPE in New Admission if one blanks out the Admission Date and then tries to Save
OP-677 Alphanumeric code for diseases not working
OP-664 OH GUI - Help button not opening UserManual on Windows
OP-627 OH GUI - Edit bill error


OP-726 Exclude possible Log4j security flaws (CVE-2021-44228)
OP-698 OPD -> Operations: confusing buttons

New Feature

OP-683 DOC_DIR parameter in


OP-699 [OH-GUI] Anti-pattern duplicated class
OP-689 [Privacy] Remove old demo data from old releases (prior v1.11.0)
OP-688 [OH-GUI] Clean logos and splash screens


f068150c0cca0c59e82ca2b0ac9ef4702bdba514bcf391ecf6942504e21067dc  OpenHospital-v1.11.1-linux_i686-portable.tar.gz
cd28bc28d55a11b443e772a543a88659e0e6ee1bcbccc28f6adc110325178687  OpenHospital-v1.11.1-linux_x86_64-portable.tar.gz


16 Sep 20:20
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OpenHospital - Version 1.11.0

Components history:

Brought to you by:

  • Informatici Senza Frontiere
  • Open source community
  • Uni2grow Camerun
  • Intesys s.r.l.

Languages: French, Italian, English, Portuguese, Swahili, German, Spanish, Arabic
Brought to you by Transifex community

Release notes (click to expand)

Release notes


OP-151 Release Kidane Mehret Project (Adwa)


OP-629 Update maven wrapper to a more up to date version
OP-626 OH GUI - Patient examination Close Button
OP-599 Extend PEX_NOTE field to VARCHAR(2000)
OP-595 Admission/Patient -> Operations: confusing buttons
OP-561 Pharmaceutical Stock Card dialog missing title and dates are partially hidden
OP-544 Remove shortcut keys from JRadioButtons
OP-499 Keyboard JButton shortcuts (KEY_EVENT) should care about Locale
OP-357 Show cashier (user) evidence in BillManager (add column) and on NewBill/EditBill (add label)
OP-343 Open Hospital 1.11.0 release naming and packaging
OP-315 Update startup script for POH
OP-279 Documentation general refactoring
OP-272 Remove contexts and jpaUtil from tests
OP-270 Simplify Junit tests
OP-248 Add Email Validation To Ward Edit Screen
OP-242 Extend V-Z Module's Classes to support findOne(id) method for recovering a single Object by ID
OP-218 DB initialization in different languages for portable versions
OP-215 Examination module NOTE info
OP-136 Use in-memory database for tests
OP-128 SQL -> HQL/JPQL (JPA Syntax)
OP-77 Video module compatibility
OP-76 SMS module compatibility
OP-73 Extract PAT_PHOTO (BLOB) field to external table

New Feature

OP-152 ADWA_6 Print labels for samples taken in laboratory
OP-150 ADWA_5 Precise value in exams' results (Procedure 3)
OP-149 ADWA_4 Print daily roster
OP-148 ADWA_11 Selectable print categories in Clinical Sheet
OP-153 ADWA_13 Lot information at the wards level
OP-98 Add patient's status and triage parameters (ex SourceForge #52)
OP-95 Reports Localization (ex SourceForge #41)


OP-650 Wrong database name in Admin doc
OP-633 OH-GUI Titles too long in reports OH011*
OP-632 Reports are wrapping the date range values; makes the report look bad
OP-631 Registered Patients report is missing the "month" subtitles
OP-628 Enable docker scripts execution for 7* prefix
OP-625 [demo data] NPE in org.isf.admission.gui.PatientDataBrowser
OP-622 Fix conflicting shortcut keys in Settings->Types menu
OP-603 Exam Procedure3 not working with LABEXTENDED=no
OP-601 Label for laboratory samples (PDF) are blank
OP-600 ClinicalSheet report not showing date range and confusing subheading
OP-598 Permission are saved but not retrieved correctly
OP-597 BillManager fix user selection upon first bill or payment
OP-594 NPE in Accounting -> Bill Manager when in single user mode
OP-593 Fix demo data bundles key
OP-592 Broken cells formatting in BillManager
OP-591 Patient Bills Management user drop down list only works for 'admin'
OP-590 Text truncation in Laboratory -> New (New Patient Exams Window)
OP-588 Lab New and Edit window have buttons out of standard order
OP-583 Laboratory->New->Exam window changes for consistency
OP-582 Duplicated bills in BillManager
OP-581 Laboratory Browser (Extended=NO) -> Edit window has formatting problems
OP-580 Laboratory Browser (Extended=YES) -> Edit window has formatting problems
OP-579 Shortcut key "D" used for two different buttons in Settings->Types menu
OP-578 Consistent ordering of buttons in Groups Browser window
OP-577 To fix bills filtering upon patient selection
OP-575 Make Reports -> Exams List and Reports -> Disease List dialogs consistent
OP-574 Shortcut key "C" used for two different buttons in Therapy dialog (English only)
OP-573 Make the case of the buttons match other windows
OP-570 Shortcut key "R" used for two different buttons in Ward Pharmacy window (English only)
OP-569 Admission tests for Maternity before/after June failing
OP-568 Fix label in Weight subpanel of Ward Pharmacy
OP-567 Shortcut key "C" used for two different buttons in Rectify dialog (English only)
OP-566 Make "Existing Lots" dialog match the current style
OP-565 Preferred size for time/date field too small for Stock Movement Charging
OP-564 Shortcut key "C" used for two different buttons in Stock Movement Browser (English only)
OP-563 OPD Extended/New function: the code and user doc don't agree
OP-562 ClassCastException in at line 1071
OP-560 Cancelling the delete of a pharmaceutical throws an exception
OP-559 Shortcut key "X" used for two different buttons in Pharmaceutical Browser (English only)
OP-557 Add 5 missing resource bundle keys that exist in the SQL code that where removed from properties file
OP-556 Class not found exception with latest SkebbyGateway changes
OP-554 Comparing Integer objects with == instead of equals()
OP-553 NPE in org.isf.admission.manager.AdmissionBrowserManager
OP-546 Inconsistent search behavior in Patient Browser
OP-545 Method has do/while loop with a test that never changes value so it looks like an infinite loop
OP-542 OH GUI - Language menu not translated / inconsistent
OP-540 Docker image sql settings
OP-529 Wrong case for table name in jrxml file
OP-528 Patient photo must be a jpeg image otherwise an exception is thrown during conversion to bytearray
OP-514 Code deleted as part of a multi step merge process
OP-505 loadPropertiesFile() method in ConfigurationProperties does not check for null
OP-482 Stock Movement Browser: date range is not inclusive
OP-471 OH GUI - Vaccine window - error saving data
OP-470 OH GUI - OPD error in insert new patient
OP-456 Cannot fill database with demo data when using oh-core_database docker image
OP-452 Resource bundle keys found in java, sql, and jrxml files but not defined in
OP-450 Issues in org.isf.utils.time.TimeTools.getDaysBetweenDates() and org.isf.utils.time.TimeTools.parseDate()
OP-449 Not valid patient's Age message on PATIENTEXTENDED=no|false
OP-444 Reorder code in "newMovementWard()" to eliminate the possibility of an NPE
OP-443 humanReadableByteCount() generates NPE
OP-437 Wrong language display in reports
OP-431 NPE and Validation error on Exam selection and saving
OP-429 equals used between object of inconvertible types
OP-427 Useless object created
OP-424 String comparison using '==' instead of 'equals()'
OP-423 Remove calls to toString() when the variable is already a String type
OP-422 Replace keySet().contions() with equivalent containsKey() method
OP-421 Remove redundant method call to contains() before remove()
OP-420 Possible null pointer deference because of and/or confusion
OP-418 Code duplicated in each branch of If statement
OP-417 Double assignment of field java.awt.GridBagConstraints.anchor
OP-410 JPG management in DICOM module
OP-408 Updating Disease and Vaccine more than once leads to error message saying "The data has been updated by someone else”
OP-407 Method has parameter that is not used
OP-391 Simplify and clean up newMovementWard() method
OP-384 OH GUI - Error saving report in folder without permissions
OP-372 OPERATIONROW results should not be language dependent
OP-371 Jasper report "hmis108_operation.jrxml" doesn't care about dates parameters
OP-368 OH GUI - Reverse alphabetical order in prices list
OP-360 OH GUI - Worksheet select patient
OP-358 Date error in Accounting report
OP-354 OH GUI - Startup error in openhospital.log
OP-353 OH-GUI - Wrong popup window in bill manager - error in printing receipt
OP-352 OH GUI - Editable field in Worksheet
OP-351 Jasper Reports wrong filename case
OP-350 Jasper Reports GROUP BY issue
OP-349 OH-GUI - Missing font in report generation
OP-346 Wrong validation parameter in validateOperationType()
OP-345 Either misnamed method or bad query
OP-340 Updating Ward more than once leads to error message saying "The data has been updated by someone else”
OP-339 OH hard coded paths for configurations files
OP-285 Incorrect use of trim() method; result is ignored
OP-284 If statement has same action in both the then and else blocks
OP-283 Repeated condition in if statement
OP-276 Fix runtime (non-blocking) exception
OP-271 findVisit method in VisitManager wrongly named as findVaccine
OP-268 findVaccineType method in VaccineTypeBrowserManager wrongly named as findVaccine
OP-265 Change code not to depend on speed of machine it is running on
OP-264 Incorrect query for selecting Bill with specific patient ID
OP-262 getPatientWithHeightAndWeight is not retrieving Height and Weight (like before)
OP-261 findWard method in WardBrowserManager wrongly named as findVaccine
OP-253 Examination window behind Admission and OPD ones (not modal)
OP-252 Operation migration data upon step_57_multiple_operations_in_admission.sql
OP-250 Repository structure incorrect
OP-247 Method definitions cause ambiguity
OP-244 Tests failing and/or missing for AUTOMATICLOT_IN=true
OP-243 Parameter value [I] did not match expected type [org.isf.ward.model.Ward];
OP-229 FIX-ME Problem on "gui" after OP-128
OP-190 2 Patients Browser's Buttons (Edit Patient and Examination) have the same Keyboard shortcut "E"
OP-179 OH path with spaces not recognized


OP-658 In OPDEXTENDED mode add patient name to delete confirmation message text
OP-655 Correct use of collection classes as return types instead of the appropriate interface
OP-651 Docker image should use MariaDB
OP-589 Make Pharmacy -> Pharmaceutical ->New/Edit dialogs more consistent with other dialogs

Read more


06 Jul 15:27
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OpenHospital v1.10.0

Components history:

Brought to you by:

  • Informatici Senza Frontiere opensource community
  • Uni2grow Camerun
  • Intesys s.r.l.

Languages: French, Italian, English, Portuguese, Swahili, German, Spanish, Arabic
Brought to you by Transifex community

Release notes (click to expand)

Release notes

  • OP-80 Introduced Audit fields for all tables
  • OP-139 Updated webcam libraries
  • OP-169 Added search fields for diagnosis in Admission form
  • OP-171 New fields in Examination form and decimal values handlings
  • OP-172 Added 'undefined' material in lab (not compulsory)
  • OP-173 Dicom module compatible with JPG/JPEG formats
  • OP-173 Dicom new setting dicom.max.size (see Admin Manual)
  • OP-173 Dicom new setting DICOMTHUMBNAILS (see Admin Manual)
  • OP-143 New "patient profession" and "marital status" fields
  • OP-144 New "breathing" field in examination
  • OP-189 Introduced ICD10 subset for languages EN, IT and FR
  • OP-194 Fixed Operations result's descriptions
  • OP-208 Fixed Patient numbering
  • OP-140 Fixed JPG library
  • OP-208 Fixed portable's DB initialization
  • Many minor improvements

SHA256 checksum:

0bd2571f67f417fb76fa74d371ac4dd64fde35c9eed696f212e4ef392c33bdf5  poh-linux-x32-0.0.6-core-1.10.0.tar.gz
6f9209b381ce0dc7fe26fcf8f0921be48e12bd2eaba1020eed6df4b7dcba945c  poh-linux-x64-0.0.6-core-1.10.0.tar.gz


24 Mar 00:07
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OpenHospital v1.9.1

Changelog v1.9.1:

  • Completely refactored code: Spring + Maven + JUnit + JPA for better performances and as a stepping stone to the upcoming web-based version
  • New! Search fields for diagnosis in OPD and Admission
  • New! Search fields for pharmaceuticals in Pharmacy Stock
  • New! Movements between Wards available
  • New! Multiple Operations in Admission and available in Clinical Sheet
  • New! Search fields for Exams in Laboratory
  • New! Online documentation in portable format Asciidoctor (available at openhospital-doc)
  • (fix) Fixed startup when connectivity is not available
  • (fix) Fixed step_57 file name
  • (fix) OP-126 List box problem in Examination module
  • (fix) OP-167, OP-168, OP-160, OP-140, OP-183, OP-174, OP-158, OP-182
  • (fix) Some minor fixes

Brought to you by:

  • Informatici Senza Frontiere opensource community
  • Uni2grow Camerun
  • Intesys s.r.l.

Languages: French, Italian, English, Portuguese, Swahili, German, Spanish, Arabic
Brought to you by Transifex community

SHA256 checksum:

a01491b561cf59670d1061b2443c7ab25c66b7a0ede146afba918be227918753  poh-linux-x32-0.0.6-core-1.9.1.tar.gz
a9ae74a37ac05be03d264a1d1037e0dc9f51e187f397e6e6b2f3913a706321d2  poh-linux-x64-0.0.6-core-1.9.1.tar.gz


23 Aug 12:12
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OpenHospital v1.9.0

Changelog v1.9.0:

  • Completely refactored code: Spring + Maven + JUnit + JPA for better performances and as a stepping stone to the upcoming web-based version
  • New! Search fields for diagnosis in OPD and Admission
  • New! Search fields for pharmaceuticals in Pharmacy Stock
  • New! Movements between Wards available
  • New! Multiple Operations in Admission and available in Clinical Sheet
  • New! Search fields for Exams in Laboratory
  • New! Online documentation in portable format Asciidoctor (available at openhospital-doc)

Brought to you by:

  • Informatici Senza Frontiere opensource community
  • Uni2grow Cameroun
  • Intesys s.r.l.

Languages: French, Italian, English, Portuguese, Swahili, German, Spanish, Arabic
Brought to you by Transifex community

SHA256 checksum:

cc54fb8653e841d86f76f67656f344edfed9f8f234e671f278a4ef3b608c630a  poh-linux-x32-0.0.5-1.9.0.tar.gz
954574772230334d92bc21f8e23e748f570017b7e77d05ded272fd6552fc2662  poh-linux-x64-0.0.5-1.9.0.tar.gz