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87 lines (73 loc) · 5.47 KB

File metadata and controls

87 lines (73 loc) · 5.47 KB

Issues of binary file writing

  • There could be conflict b/w openmpi and binary file read/writer depending on the implementation
  • May use --mca io romio341 for ver 5
  • May use --mca io romio321 for ver 4

for version 5.xx

  • --enable-mpi-cxx --enable-mpi-cxx-seek might not be used anymore

For fortran support, may use --enable-mpi-fortran=all

download source


  • ./; ./configure --prefix=/share/openucx/1.4.0 ; make -j40; make all; make install


it refers ucm_config_modify(), which is deprecated since openucx 1.4x. Install openucx1.3.1

  • ./; ./configure --prefix=/share/libs/libfabric/1.6.2 --enable-mlx=/share/libs/openucx/1.3.1
  • or
  • ./configure --prefix=/usr/nic/libs/libfabric/intel19 CC=icc --enable-mlx=no --enable-verbs=dl --enable-rxm=dl # this will make separate and


  • configure/make/make install

With gcc

update LD_LIBRARY_PATH with of openucx and openfabric. Also if /usr/lib64 has ucx libs, then let /usr/lib64 to the end of LD_LIBRARY_PATH

./configure --prefix=/usr/nic/mpi/ompi/400_gcc74 --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-silent-rules --enable-binaries
--enable-mpi-cxx --enable-mpi-cxx-seek --enable-shared --enable-openib-rdmacm --enable-fast-install --with-devel-headers
--with-hwloc=internal --with-tm=/opt/pbs/ --with-verbs=/usr/nic/libs/ibverbs/1.2.1 --with-file-system=ufs+nfs+lustre
--enable-oshmem --with-knem=/opt/knem- --with-mxm=/opt/mellanox/mxm --with-platform=contrib/platform/mellanox/optimized
--with-hcoll=/opt/mellanox/hcoll --enable-mpi1-compatibility --with-ucx=/usr/nic/libs/openucx/1.3.1


no ofi with oenmpi - libnl libnl-3 link simultaneously and no solution at this moment: ofiwg/libfabric#1756

With intel

$ ./configure --prefix=/share/mpi/ompi/400_intel18 --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-silent-rules --enable-binaries --enable-mpi-cxx --enable-mpi-cxx-seek --enable-shared --enable-openib-rdmacm --enable-fast-install --with-devel-headers --with-hwloc=internal --with-tm=/opt/pbs/ --with-verbs=auto --with-file-system=ufs+nfs+lustre --enable-oshmem --with-knem=/opt/knem- --with-mxm=/opt/mellanox/mxm --with-platform=contrib/platform/mellanox/optimized --with-hcoll=/opt/mellanox/hcoll CC=icc CXX=icpc FC=ifort F77=ifort

With cuda

./configure --prefix=/share/ompi/401_gcc74_cuda --with-cuda=/share/libs/cuda/10.0 --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-silent-rules --enable-binaries --enable-mpi-cxx --enable-mpi-cxx-seek --enable-shared --enable-openib-rdmacm --enable-fast-install --with-devel-headers --with-hwloc=internal --with-tm=/opt/pbs/ --with-verbs=auto --with-file-system=ufs+nfs+lustre --enable-oshmem --with-knem=/opt/knem- --with-mxm=/opt/mellanox/mxm --with-platform=contrib/platform/mellanox/optimized --with-hcoll=/opt/mellanox/hcoll --enable-mpi1-compatibility

  • Build with cuda-aware mpi
    • Using --with-cuda might not be enough
    • Need to use gdr_copy and ucx. Then couple ucx with openmpi build
    • Ref:
    • Steps
      • Build gdr_copy
      • Build ucx with coupling of gdr_copy
      • Build openmpi with --with-cuda and --with-ucx
    • Make sure using ompi_info --all |grep -in cuda_support
    • As of March 2024, openmpi 5.0.1 seems not working with cuda build. cuda_support yields off. Use 4.1.4

At centos7. Cuda+ucx

  • Download ucx 1.5.1 with cuda. Install gdr if the driver is available
    • ./configure --prefix=/share/libs/openucx/1.5.1_cuda -with-cuda=/share/libs/cuda/10.0 --with-knem=/opt/knem- --with-mlx5-dv --with-dm
    • make -j 40 all
    • make install
  • Install openmpi with cuda + ucx_cuda
./configure --prefix=/share/mpi/ompi/401_gcc74_cuda_ucx151 --with-cuda=/share/libs/cuda/10.0 \
--disable-dependency-tracking --disable-silent-rules --enable-binaries --enable-mpi-cxx \
--enable-mpi-cxx-seek --enable-shared --enable-openib-rdmacm --enable-fast-install \
 --with-devel-headers --with-hwloc=internal --with-tm=/opt/pbs/ --with-verbs=auto \
 --with-lustre --enable-oshmem --with-knem=/opt/knem- \
 --with-mxm=/opt/mellanox/mxm --with-platform=contrib/platform/mellanox/optimized \
 --with-hcoll=/opt/mellanox/hcoll --enable-mpi1-compatibility --with-ucx=/share/libs/openucx/1.5.1_cuda

applying the setup of mvapich2 into openmpi

  • run mpivars from mvapich2
  • extract MPIR_CVAR... using cut -c-99
  • export or setenv prior to running mpirun at openmpi

openmpi 5.0.3 with UCX + CUDA

  • gdrcopy: make prefix=... CUDA=... all install
  • UCX
    • Needs autoconfig/automake/libtool
    • ./
    • When failed, run libtoolize then again
    • ./configure --prefix=... --with-knem=... --with-grdcopy=... --with-verbs=/usr --with-cuda=...
    • make -j20; make install
    • After installation, check ./bin/ucx_info -d |grep Transport and confirm mlx5 or verbs
  • openmpi 5.0.3
  • --lib-cuda-libdir must point the dir containing
  • ./ --force
  • ./configure --prefix=... --with-cuda=/usr/local/cuda --with-cuda-libdir=/usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/stubs --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-silent-rules --enable-shared --enable-fast-install --with-devel-headers --with-hwloc=internal --with-platform=contrib/platform/optimized --with-knem=... --with-hcoll=... --with-ucx=... --enable-mpi-compatibility CC=gcc CXX=g++ F77=gfortran F90=gfortran