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49 lines (34 loc) · 1.92 KB

File metadata and controls

49 lines (34 loc) · 1.92 KB

Ansys mechanical APDL

  • copy ansys_inc/v192/ansys/data/models/CrankSlot_Flexible.inp into $WORK
  • ansys192 -np 2 < CrankSlot_Flexible.inp > log.out
  • file.rst, file.db will be produced
  • launcher -> Select PrepPost from License -> Click run
  • In the menu, General Postproc -> Results Viewer -> Select file.rst


  • Unzip Modeling Flow Through into $WORK
  • fluent 3d -g # run fluent 3d without grahics
  • file/read-case-data catalytic_converter.cas.gz # read input
  • it 10 # do 10 iterations
  • wcd "tmp.cas" # save as jeonb.cas
  • exit # exit fluent terminal
  • fluent 3d # open as GUI
  • File-> Read -> Case & Datat -> select tmp.cas
  • Click Postprocessing tab -> Graphics zone -> Contours -> Select velocity or Pressure


  • copy ansoft/AnsysEM19/1/Linux64/Examples/HFSS/RF\ Microwave/coaxial_resonator.aedt to $WORK
  • AnsTempDir=/lustre/tmp # this is not honored
  • ansysedt -distributed -machinelist numcores=2 -auto -monitor -ng -batchsolve -batchoptions "HFSS/HPCLicenseType=pool tempdirectory=/work/jeonb/tmp" coaxial_resonator.aedt
  • ansysedt # GUI, open coaxial_resondator and Check Filed Overlays


  • abaqus fetch job=lap*.inp # extracting a sample input
  • abaqus j=lap_joint inter cpus=2 (or 4, 8, 16, 32)
  • Using htop, check if cpus are used as many as requested
  • May take > 1 min with 2 cpus
  • abaqus cae
  • Open lap_joint.odb and visualize


  • Copy comsol54/applications/Heat_Transfer_Module/Heat_Exchangers/heat_exchanger_iso.mph to $WORK
  • comsol batch -nn 1 -np 1 -inputfile heat_exchanger_iso.mph -outputfile tmp.mph -- Batch command using 1 cpu
  • comsol -- GUI. Open tmp.mph and check Results -> Temperature