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Michal Hlavac edited this page Sep 1, 2017 · 19 revisions

Installation is pretty simple. Anyway, there are some steps, that need to be done on GSuite site.

Start application

Make sure you have docker and docker compose.

  1. Download docker-compose.yml for latest release.
  2. Rename downloaded p12 file to service-account.p12 and move it to same directory as docker-compose.yml
  3. Edit docker-compose.yml and set LDAP configuration based on your preferences in both services
  4. Run docker-compose up -d and follow logs with docker-compose logs -f


  1. Copy private key to configuration docker cp ./service-account.p12 accountmanager_account_1:/opt/karaf/etc/keystore/
  2. Run command ssh karaf@localhost -p 8101 or use putty (password is karaf). Karaf console will open.
  3. To list all configuration properties run config:list "("
  4. Run karaf commands to set private key location and password configuration:
config:property-set -p eu.hlavki.identity oauth2.serviceAccount.privateKey.passphrase notasecret
config:property-set -p eu.hlavki.identity oauth2.serviceAccount.privateKey.file /opt/karaf/etc/keystore/service-account.p12

Application test

Open in browser https://localhost:8443/ and click Sign in.

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