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Gabi Melman edited this page Nov 18, 2019 · 9 revisions

To squeeze every last drop of performance out of spdlog, the tweakme.h header file can be edited.

Here is an example which let spdlog use Linux's CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE fast clock

// Copyright(c) 2015 Gabi Melman.
// Distributed under the MIT License (

#pragma once

// Edit this file to squeeze more performance, and to customize supported features

// Under Linux, the much faster CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE clock can be used.
// This clock is less accurate - can be off by dozens of millis - depending on the kernel HZ.
// Uncomment to use it instead of the regular clock.

// Uncomment if thread id logging is not needed (i.e. no %t in the log pattern).
// This will prevent spdlog from quering the thread id on each log call.
// WARNING: If the log pattern contains thread id (i.e, %t) while this flag is on, the result is undefined.

// Uncomment if logger name logging is not needed.
// This will prevent spdlog from copying the logger name  on each log call.
// #define SPDLOG_NO_NAME

// Uncomment to enable the SPDLOG_DEBUG/SPDLOG_TRACE macros.
// #define SPDLOG_DEBUG_ON
// #define SPDLOG_TRACE_ON

// Uncomment to avoid spdlog's usage of atomic log levels
// Use only if your code never modifies a logger's log levels concurrently by different threads.

// Uncomment to enable usage of wchar_t for file names on Windows.

// Uncomment to override default eol ("\n" or "\r\n" under Linux/Windows)
// #define SPDLOG_EOL ";-)\n"

// Uncomment to use your own copy of the fmt library instead of spdlog's copy.
// In this case spdlog will try to include <fmt/format.h> so set your -I flag accordingly.