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453 lines (371 loc) · 20.3 KB

Changelog — Kamite


  • Approximate reading pace is now displayed in the Character counter (only appears if both Character counter and Session timer have non-zero values).


  • Text from Hive OCR now has correctly formatted newlines.

0.13 – 2023-03-17


  • OCR for rotated text: the text screenshot is derotated before being forwarded to an OCR solution.
  • New version notification in Control GUI / console output. (To opt out of the check, set update.check: no)
  • Option to launch the program with the Session timer paused. (sessionTimer.startPaused: yes)


  • Improved the look of the Control GUI.
  • The status panel (character counter and session timer) is no longer concealed in Focus mode if one of its counters is paused. (Prevents forgetting to resume the session timer when you return after a break.)


  • No longer crashes with “Assistive technology not found” error in certain circumstances.
  • Chunk text is no longer displayed inaccurately in certain circumstances when in edit mode.
  • Spurious websocket connection error messages are no longer shown when shutting down the program with an active client connection.

0.12 – 2023-01-26


  • EasyOCR Online and Hive OCR Online engines (using Hugging Face Spaces by tomofi and seaoctopusredchicken respectively). (ocr.engine: easyocr_online, ocr:engine: hiveocr_online)
    • Those engines don’t work for vertical text, but they tend to be very good for horizontal text, Hive OCR especially.
  • Ability to receive text (and machine translations) from the Agent texthooker. (integrations.agent.enable: yes and enable WebSocketServer in Agent’s Translate tab)
  • Option to auto-pause the session timer after a period of inactivity (no mouse and keyboard inputs to the client and no incoming chunks), unpausing after activity is resumed. (e.g., sessionTimer.autoPause.after: 100s)


  • Improved the selection of vertical OCR models for use with the Tesseract engine.

0.11 – 2022-12-24


  • Conceal furigana: Option to hide furigana annotations behind rectangles, reveal on mouse hover (chunk.furigana.conceal).
  • Focus mode: Option to hide client UI elements other than the current chunk (i.e., toolbar, status panel, and notebook) until mouse hover (ui.focusMode).
  • Client keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl + Enter to enter chunk edit mode (+ Shift to enter it immediately clearing the text).
  • --chunk-line-height-scale CSS variable to make current chunk text line height customization easier in custom.css (see „Current chunk” line height in the Wiki).


  • Remade the DeepL mod userscript. Instead of trying to remold the existing DeepL UI, the script now hides it and recreates a very minimal one in its place.
  • Updated the jpdb mod userscript to add a top margin to compensate for a removed padding in Kamite’s UI.
  • BREAKING Renamed the chunk.showFurigana option to chunk.furigana.enable.
  • BREAKING Values of non-config launch options (--debug) interpreted as no changed from [0, false] to [no, off, false] to make the interpretation more in line with that of config values.
  • Redesigned chunk text selection visuals; tweaked chunk highlight (Yomichan selection) and flash visuals. (New theme color introduced: --color-accB2-hl2.)
  • Tweaked client settings UI.
  • Bumped chunk history size from 50 to 100.
  • Minimally improved the client’s performance by limiting the number of status panel’s fade state recalculations.
  • The UI layout setting is now an on-off toggle instead of a dropdown selection, since it will only have two options for the forseeable future.
  • Removed the inner page padding of the notebook UI element for frames embedding external websites.
  • Disabled the right-click browser context menu in the client.


  • The x86 (32-bit) Textractor extension no longer crashes on recent alpha builds of Textractor in Wine.
  • Slightly decreased scaling of furigana in current chunk view to reduce inconsistencies in base text character spacing.
  • Chunk text selection is now again cleared when switching to another chunk from chunk history.
  • Current chunk character hover underline is now drawn at a roughly consistent distance from the characters in all supported browsers.
  • Made text line height of current chunk more consistent across different modes (furigana on and off) and different browsers.
  • Made current chunk text top padding consistent between normal mode and edit mode.
  • Status panel fade state is now properly updated on browser window resize.
  • Improved notebook concealing behaviour in the case of the mouse cursor leaving the browser window.
  • An action palette button click no longer registers when the mouse button is pressed outside the button and released inside it.
  • The backend no longer gets stuck in a state where a client cannot properly connect to it in some cases after the previous connection has been terminated abruptly due to a browser crash.
  • Fixed a typo in an OCR error message.

0.10 – 2022-11-15


  • User selection within current chunk outside Edit mode is no longer removed when the cursor leaves the client browser tab.
  • If there is a user selection within current chunk outside edit mode when a new chunk comes in, the current chunk is now replaced entirely, not just the selected part. (To have just a part of it replaced instead, enter Edit mode by double-clicking the current chunk area and select the text to be replaced there.)
  • Startup time with OCR enabled has been improved in some cases by initializing Recognizer in a separate thread.
  • Remote OCR request that has failed to complete is now retried twice in some cases before a failure is reported to the client.
  • The current chunk is now faded out instead of hidden while OCR is in progress.
  • Characters from unicode block Specials are now stripped from incoming chunks if chunk.correct = true (it is so by default).
  • Default furigana font size has been decreased and further downscaling is now applied to it depending on the length of the annotation relatively to the base text—this in order to prevent the furigana overflowing and introducing inconsistencies in spacing between characters. (For how to restore previous behaviour, see the „Current chunk” font sizing section in the Wiki.)
  • Furigana font can now be scaled in custom.css using the variable --chunk-furigana-font-scale. It is now also scaled with --chunk-font-size. (For details, see the „Current chunk” font sizing section in the Wiki.)
  • Removed the CSS variable --chunk-line-height for now, since due to browser quirks and furigana interactions it was not fully functional for regulating the line height in custom.css.
  • Added CSS variables --font-ui and --font-jp for easier customization of font faces. (See the Font faces section in the Wiki)
  • Added CSS variables --chunk-font-weight and --chunk-furigana-font-weight for easier customization of chunk font weight. (See the „Current chunk” font weight section in the Wiki.)
  • Make user selection in current chunk visually stand out a bit more.


  • “Manga OCR” Online OCR engine works again (switched to a Hugging Face Space by Detomo).
  • Current chunk label now has correct line height on Chrome.
  • Status panel fade is now correctly recalculated in a certain situation where it previously was not.
  • Empty incoming chunks are now rejected in some circumstances when they might not have been previously.
  • Likely reduced the incidence of Tesseract executable availability check failing when it should not.
  • Select highlighted action no longer appears when it would be a no-op because of the chunk selection already being equal to the highlight.

0.9 – 2022-10-31


  • “Manga OCR” Online OCR engine works again.

0.8 – 2022-10-21


  • Option to log to a text file chunks that appear in the client in each session (chunk.log.dir).
  • Rejecting chunks based on user-provided regular expressions (chunk.filter.rejectPatterns). BREAKING CHANGE: A pattern used for filtering Textractor messages has been moved from within the program to the default config. If you already have a config, to have the filter back on, you need to set chunk.filter.rejectPatterns in your config to ["^Textractor"].
  • Transforming text of incoming chunks according to user-provided replacement rules before displaying them (chunk.transforms).
  • Partial config reload: Config is reloaded on config file modification and selected changes are applied immediately, while Kamite is running.
  • Option to automatically collapse the notebook UI component, so that just its tab bar is visible unless the notebook is being interacted with in some way (ui.notebook.collapse).
  • Custom CSS rules can now be applied per profile, using CSS classes named profile-PROFILENAME.


  • Rewrote the current chunk label UI component with improved performance.
  • Shortened the long-click duration needed to reset the character counter and the session timer.
  • Client UI icons can now be recolored with custom CSS.
  • Warnings are now displayed when unknown keys are present in user config.
  • Text transform action has gained an additional visually similar character.
  • Max. notebook height has been increased to 90%.
  • Updated the runtime from Java 18 to Java 19.


  • No longer occasionally quitely hangs during initialization when Control GUI is enabled.

0.7 – 2022-09-12


  • (Windows) No longer crashes at startup when JRE dlls do not happen to be on PATH.

0.6 – 2022-09-10


  • Combined profile: Multiple extra config files can now be loaded (--profile=first-profile,second-profile,third-profile).
  • An alternative engine “3” (ocr.ocrspace.engine = 3).
  • Global keybindings for user-defined OCR regions (
  • Long-clicking the “Redo” button in the action palette will now skip forward all the way to the latest chunk.
  • New misc_lookup command in the command API for externally invoking lookups within Kamite’s client.
  • (Windows) Kamite (Debug).bat script for convenient launching in debug mode with a console window.


  • Custom commands are now specified in the form of a list. BREAKING CHANGE: Custom command definitions in the config file must be changed accordingly, e.g., command = "the-command first-argument second-argument …"command = ["the-command", "first-argument", "second-argument", …].
  • (API) When sending commands through HTTP, the params JSON object is now expected directly in the request body instead of in a form param. BREAKING CHANGE (API): command HTTP request body must be changed into the form {"chunk": "text"} instead of params={"chunk": "text"}.
    • The Textractor extension must be updated to the current version.
    • Gomics-v must be updated to version 0.2.
  • Improved the accuracy of auto-generated furigana by switching the dictionary from IPADIC to UniDic.
  • The library used for furigana generation is no longer included in the release package. BREAKING CHANGE: The “Show furigana” option now requires an extra download (see README).
  • (Windows) Replaced the Kamite.ps1 console launcher script with
  • (Windows) The launcher now loads the Java Virtual Machine as a library instead of launching it in the form of an external executable.
  • When chunk correction is enabled (default), some garbage characters, as well as leading and trailing whitespace, are now removed from incoming chunks.
  • Character counter now only counts characters in Unicode categories Letter, Number, and Symbol.
  • Overflowing action palette scrolling UX no longer involves a scrollbar.
  • OCR input images are now displayed in the Debug tab (available when launched with --debug).


  • Custom commands with placeholder parameters no longer break after first use.
  • No longer crashes when some duplicate launch options are provided.
  • Certain special characters in params of commands sent through HTTP, such as & or $, no longer cause command processing to fail.
  • (Windows) “Manga OCR” no longer fails to start when executing Kamite through the launcher.
  • (Windows) Can now be pinned to the taskbar properly.
  • Some weird behaviours have been eliminated around client connecting/disconnecting in the presence of competing client tabs.
  • (Windows) An overflowing action palette no longer pushes the chunk view down in Firefox.
  • A missing indicator icon to distinguish buttons for lookups that open in a new tab has been restored.
  • When switching to a different chunk from chunk history after changing the “Show furigana” setting, that setting is now applied to the current chunk switched into.
  • Chunk text selection now behaves correctly in Flipped interface layout in cases when the cursor is dragged above the chunk while selecting.
  • Overflowing current chunk area can now be scrolled when in Flipped layout.
  • Clicking a command button no longer removes selection from the current chunk (this made impossible passing selected text to a custom command invoked by a click).
  • Vertical label alignment on some UI controls.

0.5 – 2022-08-21


  • Windows support.
  • Region Helper mode: Launch Kamite with --regionHelper to obtain desired region parameters for OCR Region setup.


  • Monospace UI text elements are now rendered using embedded Roboto Mono font.


  • Client now initializes properly when superseding a previously connected client.
  • Some minor UI details on Chrome now look like they are supposed to.

0.4 – 2022-08-19


  • New OCR engine: “Manga OCR” Online (via a Hugging Face Space by Gryan Galario) (ocr.engine = mangaocr_online).
  • Auto Block OCR Instant mode: the Auto Block OCR command now takes a parameter that determines whether to ask the user to click a point or to immediately take the current mouse position. now binds to the instant variant, while .autoBlockSelect binds to the variant mediated by a mouse click.
  • Translation-only mode: Option that treats incoming chunks as translations and creates a new chunk for each translation. Useful when watching media with just the translation subtitles (chunk.translationOnlyMode = true).
  • Clipboard Inserter (Firefox, Chrome) browser extension integration—when active, clipboard text will be automatically grabbed as a new Kamite chunk.


  • mpv integration rework: The mpv script has been removed, the IPC connection with mpv is now used for extracting subtitles. BREAKING CHANGE: please remove the old mpv script (~/.config/mpv/scripts/kamite.lua) and make sure that mpv is launched with the parameter --input-ipc-server="/tmp/kamite-mpvsocket".
  • “Manga OCR” integration rework: The wrapper script is no longer used and in its absence the Python executable used is no longer the PATH python, but the default pipx manga-ocr installation path. BREAKING CHANGE: please either provide a path to a Python launcher that can access the manga_ocr module under the config key ocr.mangaocr.pythonPath or simply reinstall “Manga OCR” using pipx (pipx install manga-ocr).
  • Text transform action has gained additional visually similar character pairs.
  • Tesseract executable can now be customized (ocr.tesseract.path; default is tesseract).
  • Tesseract error reporting has been improved.
  • Linux launcher bash script has been replaced with a launcher program.
  • The client UI now uses scalable icons.


  • Successfully loading a profile config file is no longer falsely reported when the file is not readable.
  • A rare failure in manga text block detector.
  • Command palette button tooltip is now correctly hidden when the browser loses focus to a point/area selection program.

0.3 – 2022-07-21


  • OCR directory watcher: watches a specified directory for new/modified images and automatically performs text recognition on them.
  • Linux / GNOME Wayland and Linux / Plasma Wayland support (partial—no global OCR commands).


  • The mpv script now works in the absence of D-Bus on the system (using curl).
  • Improved accuracy and performance of manga text block detection.
  • The Textractor extension’s name has slightly changed.
  • Tesseract version requirement has been relaxed so that versions other than 5.X are now allowed.


  • When exiting the chunk edit mode by clicking a lookup button, the edit changes are now committed first, so that the new chunk version is used for the lookup.
  • “Show furigana” setting is now honored when exiting chunk edit mode.
  • Some chunk insertion operations no longer inadvertently cause travel to the most recent item in chunk history.
  • Copying a part of the current chunk no longer flashes the entirety of it but just the copied characters.
  • The plaform is now identified correctly in some cases where it has not been previously.
  • Not providing all possible global keybindings on a platform that supports them no longer causes a startup failiure.
  • The Auto block OCR command now waits for confirmation of the screen point selection like on other platforms instead of being activated instantaneously.
  • The control window now has a correct name on GNOME.

0.2 – 2022-07-12


  • Images incoming through the ocr_image command are now converted properly and no longer produce degraded OCR results.

0.1 – 2022-07-12

Initial release.