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54 lines (26 loc) · 884 Bytes

File metadata and controls

54 lines (26 loc) · 884 Bytes
    _               _     
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   |_.__/ \__,_|___/_| |_|

Hi there !

I have built this respository to store my notes and practice sessions of bash.

Eventually I would like to convert this into a handybook for bash.

I am not an expert and I am not a computer scientist.

I am studying this to supplement my sys admin certification.

Below are the topics that I will be covering in my journey.

  • Basic Text Manipulation

  • Variables

  • Test

  • If Else

  • Command Line Arguments

  • For Loop

  • While Loop

  • Functions

  • Sed

  • Awk Scripting

  • Projects

  • Automation

This work is an ongoing process and I hope to compelete all of the above sooner than later.

You can use the scripts that will be made available at your own risk.