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2 Ways to Merge Arrays in JavaScript

JavaScript 中合并数组的两种方法


Here are 2 ways to combine your arrays and return a NEW array. I like using the Spread operator. But if you need older browser support, you should use Concat.

有两种方法合并数组。我喜欢使用扩展运算符。但是如果需要兼容老式浏览器,应该使用 Concat

// 2 Ways to Merge Arrays

const cars = ["🚗", "🚙"];
const trucks = ["🚚", "🚛"];

// Method 1: Concat
const combined1 = [].concat(cars, trucks);

// Method 2: Spread
const combined2 = [, ...trucks];

// Result
// [ '🚗', '🚙', '🚚', '🚛' ]

Alternative Concat Syntax

用 Concat 语法作为替代

Alternatively, you can also write the concat method, in this regard:

或者,你也可以用 concat 方法:

const cars = ["🚗", "🚙"];
const trucks = ["🚚", "🚛"];

const combined = cars.concat(trucks);
// [ '🚗', '🚙', '🚚', '🚛' ]

console.log(cars); // ['🚗', '🚙'];
console.log(trucks); // ['🚚', '🚛'];

As you can see, this way of writing it doesn't manipulate or change the existing array.


Which one should I pick?


Let's list out both versions, so you can see it in comparison.


// Version A:
const combinedA = [].concat(cars, trucks);

// Version B:
const combinedB = cars.concat(trucks);

So now the question is, which one should I pick 🤔. I prefer Version A because I think the intention is a lot more clear. Just by looking at it, I know I'm creating a new array and I'm not manipulating the existing array. Whereas if I look at Version B, it appears like I'm adding the trucks array to the cars array, and it doesn't seem obvious to me that the cars array isn't being changed. But, maybe that's just me. I'd be curious to know what you think?

现在的问题是,我应该选择哪一个。我更喜欢 版本 A,我认为意图更清晰。仅仅通过查看它,我就知道正在创建一个新的数组,而不是在操作现有的数组。然而,如果我查看 版本 B,它看起来就像我将 trucks 数组添加到 cars 数组中,而且在我看来 cars 数组没有被更改的事实似乎并不明显。但是,也许只有我是这样。我很想知道你是怎么想的?

Since I don't really have a substantial reason besides aesthetics, I think you and your team should stick with whatever you choose 👍


Difference between Spread vs Concat

扩展运算符和 Concat 的不同点

I prefer using spread, because I find it more concise and easier to write. BUT, there are still benefits of using concat.

我更倾向用扩展运算符,因为我觉得它更简洁,更容易写。但是,使用 concat 仍然有好处。

Spread is fantastic when you know beforehand that you're dealing with arrays. But what happens when the source is something else, like a string. And you want to add that string to the array. Let's walk through an example.


Example: Dealing with an arbitrary argument


Let's say this is the outcome we want:


[1, 2, 3, "random"];

A. Using Spread


And if we follow the pattern we've been using and used the spread operator. Here's what happens:


function combineArray(array1, array2) {
  return [...array1, ...array2];

const isArray = [1, 2, 3];
const notArray = "random";

combineArray(isArray, notArray);
// 😱 [ 1, 2, 3, 'r', 'a', 'n', 'd', 'o', 'm' ]

☝️ If we spread our string, it will split the word into separate letters. So it doesn't achieve the result we want.


B. Using Concat

BUT, if we follow the concat pattern that we've been doing. Here's what happens:

但是,如果我们遵循一直在做的 concat 模式。又会发生什么:

function combineArray(array1, array2) {
  return [].concat(array1, array2);

const isArray = [1, 2, 3];
const notArray = "random";

combineArray(isArray, notArray);
// ✅  [ 1, 2, 3, 'random' ]

☝️ Excellent! We get the result we want.


I know some of you are like, duh! I'll just write some conditional to make sure what I'm passing is an array and execute accordingly. Sure that'd work too. Or just write less code and use concat and be done with 😂

我知道你们有些人会说,废话!我只写一些条件语句来确保我传递的是一个数组,并相应地执行。当然这也行。或使用 concat,能写更少的代码。



So here's the quick rule. If you know you're dealing with arrays, use spread. But if you might be dealing with the possibility with a non-array, then use concat to merge an array 👍

这就是快速法则。如果你知道要处理数组,请使用扩展运算符。但如果你可能要处理一个非数组,那么使用 concat 来合并一个数组。

Anyways I just want to point that out, so you can use the most appropriate method depending on the problem you're trying to solve 👍


Merge Array with Push 🤔

用 Push 合并数组

Some of you are asking, hey, can't I also use push to merge an array. And yes, you sure can! But when you use push, it manipulates or changes the existing array. It does NOT create a new array. So depending on what you're trying to do. Make sure you keep that in mind.

你们中的一些人可能会问,嘿,我能用 push 来合并一个数组吗?是的,你当然可以!但是当你使用 push 时,它会改变原有的数组。它不创建新数组。这取决于你想做什么。一定要记住这一点。

const cars = ["🚗", "🚙"];
const trucks = ["🚚", "🚛"];

const combined = cars.push(...trucks);

console.log(combined); // 4
// ☝when you use push, it returns the LENGTH of the combined array

console.log(cars); // [ '🚗', '🚙', '🚚', '🚛' ]
console.log(trucks); // ['🚚', '🚛']

Also, when you're trying to push an array to another array. You will need to spread it, otherwise, you will end up getting a nested array. Of course, unless that's what you wanted 😜


const cars = ['🚗', '🚙'];
const trucks = ['🚚', '🚛'];

// 😱 cars: [ '🚗', '🚙', [ '🚚', '🚛' ] ]

// ✅ cars: [ '🚗', '🚙', '🚚', '🚛' ]

Browser Support


Spread was introduced in ES6, so all modern browser supports it. Except for the "I'm too cool" Internet Explorer - no support there 😕. So if you need IE support, you want to use concat instead or use a compiler like Babel.

扩展运算符是在 ES6 中引入的,所有现代浏览器都支持它。除了「我很酷」的 IE 浏览器(它不支持)。所以如果你需要 IE 支持,你可以使用 concat 或者编译器,比如 Babel
