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348 lines (309 loc) · 12.7 KB

File metadata and controls

348 lines (309 loc) · 12.7 KB

Using the API with curl

Checking how the server sees us

curl --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates -E ~/proxy.pem --cacert ~/proxy.pem

  "delegation_id": "34644b4229f12f0d",
  "dn": [
    "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=aalvarez/CN=678984/CN=Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon",
    "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=aalvarez/CN=678984/CN=Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon/CN=proxy"
  "level": {
    "*": "all"
  "roles": [],
  "user_dn": "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=aalvarez/CN=678984/CN=Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon",
  "voms_cred": [
  "vos": [

Get FTS3 internal status for a given pair

curl --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates -E ~/proxy.pem --cacert ~/proxy.pem ""

    "active": 1,
    "avg_duration": null,
    "avg_queued": 0.0,
    "avg_throughput": null,
    "dest_se": "gsiftp://whatnot",
    "failed": 0,
    "finished": 0,
    "frequent_error": null,
    "limits": {},
    "max_active": 5,
    "source_se": "gsiftp://whatever",
    "submitted": 0,
    "success_ratio": null,
    "vo_name": "dteam"

All parameters are optional. If none is specified, all pairs will be shown. Filtering by only vo, only source and only destination (and combinations) are supported.

Get a list of jobs running

Filtering by atlas

curl --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates -E ~/proxy.pem --cacert ~/proxy.pem

    "agent_dn": null,
    "bring_online": -1,
    "cancel_job": false,
    "copy_pin_lifetime": -1,
    "cred_id": "123456789",
    "dest_se": "srm://",
    "finish_time": null,
    "internal_job_params": "",
    "job_finished": null,
    "job_id": "abcdef-abcde-4638-98a7-123456789",
    "job_metadata": "",
    "job_params": "",
    "job_state": "ACTIVE",
    "max_time_in_queue": null,
    "overwrite_flag": true,
    "priority": 3,
    "reason": null,
    "retry": 0,
    "reuse_job": false,
    "source_se": "srm://",
    "source_space_token": "",
    "source_token_description": null,
    "space_token": "ATLASDATADISK",
    "submit_host": "",
    "submit_time": "2014-04-15T14:02:50",
    "user_cred": "",
    "user_dn": "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=ddmadmin/CN=531497/CN=Robot: ATLAS Data Management",
    "verify_checksum": "r",
    "vo_name": "atlas"
    "agent_dn": null,
    "bring_online": -1,
    "cancel_job": false,
    "copy_pin_lifetime": -1,
    "cred_id": "123456789",
    "dest_se": "srm://",
    "finish_time": null,
    "internal_job_params": "",
    "job_finished": null,
    "job_id": "abcdef-abcd-4b07-8433-987654321",
    "job_metadata": "",
    "job_params": "",
    "job_state": "ACTIVE",
    "max_time_in_queue": null,
    "overwrite_flag": true,
    "priority": 3,
    "reason": null,
    "retry": 0,
    "reuse_job": false,
    "source_se": "srm://",
    "source_space_token": "",
    "source_token_description": null,
    "space_token": "ATLASDATADISK",
    "submit_host": "",
    "submit_time": "2014-04-15T13:59:56",
    "user_cred": "",
    "user_dn": "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=ddmadmin/CN=531497/CN=Robot: ATLAS Data Management",
    "verify_checksum": "r",
    "vo_name": "atlas"

Get a given job

curl --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates -E ~/proxy.pem --cacert ~/proxy.pem

  "agent_dn": null,
  "bring_online": -1,
  "cancel_job": null,
  "checksum_method": null,
  "copy_pin_lifetime": -1,
  "cred_id": "9e52376e3ab44cf0",
  "dest_se": "",
  "files": [
      "agent_dn": null,
      "bringonline_token": null,
      "checksum": null,
      "current_failures": null,
      "dest_se": "",
      "dest_surl": "",
      "error_phase": null,
      "error_scope": null,
      "file_id": 1062,
      "file_index": 0,
      "file_metadata": null,
      "file_state": "FAILED",
      "filesize": 19,
      "finish_time": "2013-03-22T13:37:33",
      "internal_file_params": "nostreams:1,timeout:5000,buffersize:0",
      "job_finished": "2013-03-22T13:37:33",
      "job_id": "a40b82b7-1132-459f-a641-f8b49137a713",
      "num_failures": null,
      "pid": 2445,
      "reason": "[gfalt_copy_file]HEAD failed with code '404'",
      "reason_class": null,
      "retry": 0,
      "selection_strategy": null,
      "source_se": "",
      "source_surl": "",
      "staging_finished": null,
      "staging_start": null,
      "start_time": "2013-03-22T13:37:32",
      "symbolicname": null,
      "throughput": 0,
      "transferhost": "fts3src2",
      "tx_duration": 1,
      "user_filesize": 0
  "finish_time": "2013-03-22T13:37:33",
  "internal_job_params": null,
  "job_finished": "2013-03-22T13:37:33",
  "job_id": "a40b82b7-1132-459f-a641-f8b49137a713",
  "job_metadata": null,
  "job_params": null,
  "job_state": "FAILED",
  "max_time_in_queue": null,
  "overwrite_flag": null,
  "priority": 3,
  "reason": "One or more files failed. Please have a look at the details for more information",
  "reuse_job": null,
  "source_se": "",
  "source_space_token": null,
  "source_token_description": null,
  "space_token": null,
  "submit_host": "fts3src2",
  "submit_time": "2013-03-22T13:35:39",
  "user_cred": null,
  "user_dn": "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=msalicho/CN=709008/CN=Michail Salichos",
  "vo_name": "dteam"

Cancel a job

curl --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates -E ~/proxy.pem --cacert ~/proxy.pem -X DELETE

Check the expiration time of our delegated credentials

curl --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates -E ~/proxy.pem --cacert ~/proxy.pem

  "termination_time": "2013-03-22T21:54:46"

Remove delegated credentials

curl --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates -E ~/proxy.pem --cacert ~/proxy.pem -X DELETE

Delegate credentials

This is a little bit trickier to do command-line, so it is documented in a separated document: delegating using standard clients

Get the submit schema

Returns the JSON Schema for the submission message. This can be used by the clients to validate their JSON before actually submitting the transfer.

import jsonschema
import json
import requests

root_ca    = '/etc/grid-security/certificates/CERN-Root.pem'
my_proxy   = '/home/user/proxy.pem'
schema     = json.loads(requests.get('', verify=root_ca, cert=my_proxy).text)
submission = json.loads(open('submit.json').read())
jsonschema.validate(submission, schema)

submission['params']['verify_checksum'] = 1234
jsonschema.validate(submission, schema)
jsonschema.ValidationError: 1234 is not of type [u'boolean', u'null']

Here you can see an example of a submission file

  "files": [
      "sources": ["root://source/file"],     // Array of strings: Source files*
      "destinations": ["root://dest/file"],  // Array of strings: Destination files*
      "metadata": "User defined metadata",   // Any valid json object: User defined metadata
      "filesize": 1024,                      // Integer: Expected file size
      "checksum": 'adler32:1234',            // String: User defined checksum in the form 'algorithm:value'.
                                             //         This will NOT be honored unless verify_checksum is true.
  "params": {
    "verify_checksum": true,    // Boolean: If set to true, checksum will be validated.
    "reuse": false,             // Boolean: If set to true, sessions will be reused.
    "spacetoken": null,         // String: Destination space token
    "bring_online": null        // Integer: Bring online operation timeout.
    "copy_pin_lifetime": -1,    // Integer: Minimum lifetime when bring online is used. -1 means no bring online.
    "job_metadata": null,       // Any valid json object: User defined metadata
    "source_spacetoken": null,  // String: Source space token.
    "overwrite": false,         // Boolean: Overwrite the destination file.
    "gridftp": null,            // Not used yet. It can be left empty.
    "multihop": false,          // Boolean: If set to true, the transfer will be a multihop transfer
    "retry": 2,                 // Integer: Number of retries, if the error is recoverable
    "priority": 3               // Integer: Job priority
    "id_generator": "deterministic" //String: Job id generator algorithm: 'standard' is used by default with uuid1 and 'deterministic' is used for specific job id generation with uuid5 and the base_id+vo+sid
    "sid": "6067830a-8596-4093-86f4-3ab940ebf876" //String: Specific id given by the user to be used with the deterministic job id generator algorithm

Please, note that comments are not supported in JSON. They are just shown here as a help. If you want to check other more complex submission modes, you can check the reference page for the bulk submission format.

Banning/unbanning a storage


curl --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates -E ~/proxy.pem --cacert ~/proxy.pem --data-binary '{"storage": "gsi"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'



curl --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates -E ~/proxy.pem --cacert ~/proxy.pem "" -X DELETE

Mind that unbanning returns nothing.

Banning/unbanning a user


curl --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates -E ~/proxy.pem --cacert ~/proxy.pem --data-binary '{"user_dn": "/DC=.../CN=..."}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'



curl --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates -E ~/proxy.pem --cacert ~/proxy.pem "" -X DELETE

Mind that unbanning returns nothing.

Get Current Optimizer values

Return the current optimizer values for a given pair (source, destination).

curl -E "${X509_USER_PROXY}" --cacert "${X509_USER_PROXY}" --capath "/etc/grid-security/certificates" ""source-test"&dest_se="dest-test"" -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Set Current Optimizer values

Set the current optimizer values for given pair (source, destination).

curl -E "${X509_USER_PROXY}" --cacert "${X509_USER_PROXY}" --capath "/etc/grid-security/certificates" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"source_se": "source-test", "dest_se": "dest-test", "active": 4, "nostreams": 1, "ema": 3.4, "rationale": "my_reason"}'

The optimizer values will be stored also in the optimizer evolution as a logs. Values that can be stored are:

	source_se 		//String: source file (mandatory)
	dest_se   		//String: destination file (mandatory)
    ema 	  		//Float: window time
    active    		//Integer: number of actives (decision)
    nostreams   	//Integer: number of streams (decision)
    rationale   	//String: decision reason
    throughput		//Float: throughput at that moment
    success     	//Float: ratio of success transfers
    actual_active 	//Integer: Current actives running
    diff			//Integer: difference between actual actives and actives decision
    queue_size      //Integer: Current queue size
    filesize_avg	//Float: File size average
    filesize_stddev //Float: File size standard deviation

Get Optimizer Evolution

Returns the evolution information for a given pair (source, destination). curl -E "${X509_USER_PROXY}" --cacert "${X509_USER_PROXY}" --capath "/etc/grid-security/certificates" ""source-test"&dest_se="dest-test"" -H "Content-Type: application/json"