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# AuctionExtended


Name Type Description Notes
liabilities \CedricZiel\OpenAPI\BondoraPHP\Model\Liability[] Borrower's liabilities [optional]
debts \CedricZiel\OpenAPI\BondoraPHP\Model\Debt[] Borrower's debts [optional]
borrowerHistory \CedricZiel\OpenAPI\BondoraPHP\Model\BorrowerHistory [optional]
loanId string Unique loan identificator [optional]
auctionId string Unique auction identificator [optional]
loanNumber int Number of the loan [optional]
userName string Customer's Bondora username [optional]
newCreditCustomer int Did the customer have prior credit history in Bondora <para>0 Customer had at least 3 months of credit history in Bondora</para><para>1 No prior credit history in Bondora</para> [optional]
loanApplicationStartedDate \DateTime Date when the loan application was started [optional]
plannedCloseDate \DateTime Date and time when the auction is closed, if it's not funded 100% before that. Auction will be closed before that, if auction is funded 100%. [optional]
applicationSignedHour int Hour of signing the loan application [optional]
applicationSignedWeekday int Weekday of signing the loan application [optional]
verificationType int Verification type [optional]
languageCode int Two letter language code [optional]
age int Age of the borrower (years) [optional]
dateOfBirth \DateTime Borrower's date of birth [optional]
gender int Gender [optional]
country string Residency of the borrower [optional]
creditScoreEsMicroL string A score that is specifically designed for risk classifying subprime borrowers (defined by Equifax as borrowers that do not have access to bank loans). A measure of the probability of default one month ahead. <para>The score is given on a 10-grade scale, from the best score to the worst:</para><para>M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10</para> [optional]
creditScoreEsEquifaxRisk string Generic score for the loan applicants that do not have active past due operations in ASNEF. A measure of the probability of default one year ahead. The score is given on a 6-grade scale. <para>AAA Very low</para><para>AA Low</para><para>A Average</para><para>B Average High</para><para>C High</para><para>D Very High</para> [optional]
creditScoreFiAsiakasTietoRiskGrade string Credit Scoring model for Finnish Asiakastieto <para>RL1 Very low risk 01-20</para><para>RL2 Low risk 21-40</para><para>RL3 Average risk 41-60</para><para>RL4 Big risk 61-80</para><para>RL5 Huge risk 81-100</para> [optional]
creditScoreEeMini string Credit scoring for Estonian loans <para>1000 No previous payments problems</para><para>900 Payments problems finished 24-36 months ago</para><para>800 Payments problems finished 12-24 months ago</para><para>700 Payments problems finished 6-12 months ago</para><para>600 Payment problems finished &lt;6 months ago</para><para>500 Active payment problems</para> [optional]
appliedAmount double The amount borrower applied for originally [optional]
interest double Maximum interest rate accepted in the loan application [optional]
loanDuration int The loan term [optional]
county string County of the borrower [optional]
city string City of the borrower [optional]
education int Education [optional]
employmentDurationCurrentEmployer string Employment time with the current employer [optional]
homeOwnershipType int Type of home ownership [optional]
incomeTotal double Total income [optional]
monthlyPayment double Loan monthly payment amount. [optional]
monthlyPaymentDay int The day of the month the loan payments are scheduled for. The actual date is adjusted for weekends and bank holidays. E.g. if 10th is a Sunday then the payment will be made on the 11th in that month. [optional]
modelVersion int The version of the Rating model used for issuing the Bondora Rating [optional]
expectedLoss double Expected Loss calculated by the Rating model [optional]
rating string Bondora Rating issued by the Rating model [optional]
lossGivenDefault double Gives the percentage of outstanding exposure at the time of default that an investor is likely to lose if a loan actually defaults. This means the proportion of funds lost for the investor after all expected recovery and accounting for the time value of the money recovered. In general, LGD parameter is intended to be estimated based on the historical recoveries. However, in new markets where limited experience does not allow us more precise loss given default estimates, a LGD of 90% is assumed. [optional]
probabilityOfDefault double Probability of Default, refers to a loan’s probability of default within one year horizon. [optional]
expectedReturnAlpha double Expected return alpha [optional]
liabilitiesTotal double Total liabilities [optional]
listedOnUTC \DateTime Date when auction was published [optional]
actualCloseDate \DateTime Date and time when the auction was actually closed. Is null, if auction is active. [optional]
winningBidsAmount double The amount that auction is fulfilled, taken amount only bids where investors have enough funds. This is preliminary calculated amount and can change when trying to close auction (auction is closed, when auction is funded 100% or PlannedCloseDate is reached) and specific investor(s) do not have enough funds. [optional]
remainingAmount double The amount that is remaining to be funded (AppliedAmount - WinningBidsAmount). [optional]
userBids int How many bids current user has bidden into the auction [optional]
userBidAmount double How much current user has bidden into the auction [optional]
fullfilled double Precentage, how much the auction is fulfilled. Can be more than 100%, if overfunded. [optional]
creditScore int <para> 1000 No previous payments problems</para> <para> 900 Payments problems finished 24-36 months ago</para> <para> 800 Payments problems finished 12-24 months ago</para> <para> 700 Payments problems finished 6-12 months ago</para> <para> 600 Payment problems finished &lt;6 months ago</para> <para> 500 Active payment problems</para> [optional]
scoringDate \DateTime Date when the Rating was calculated for this loan [optional]
useOfLoan int Use of loan <para>Only Value for new Auctions since 1st of june 2017 is -1 (NotUsed)</para> [optional]
maritalStatus int Marital status <para>Only Value for new Auctions since 1st of june 2017 is -1 (NotUsed)</para> [optional]
nrOfDependants string Number of children or other dependants <para>Only Value for new Auctions since 1st of june 2017 is NULL</para> [optional]
employmentStatus int Employment status <para>Only Value for new Auctions since 1st of june 2017 is -1 (NotUsed)</para> [optional]
employmentPosition string Employment position <para>Only Value for new Auctions since 1st of june 2017 is NULL</para> [optional]
workExperience string Work experience in total <para>Only Value for new Auctions since 1st of june 2017 is NULL</para> [optional]
occupationArea int Occupation area <para>Only Value for new Auctions since 1st of june 2017 is -1 (NotUsed)</para> [optional]
incomeFromPrincipalEmployer double Salary <para>Only Value for new Auctions since 1st of june 2017 is 0</para> [optional]
incomeFromPension double Pension <para>Only Value for new Auctions since 1st of june 2017 is 0</para> [optional]
incomeFromFamilyAllowance double Family allowance <para>Only Value for new Auctions since 1st of june 2017 is 0</para> [optional]
incomeFromSocialWelfare double Social welfare <para>Only Value for new Auctions since 1st of june 2017 is 0</para> [optional]
incomeFromLeavePay double Leave pay <para>Only Value for new Auctions since 1st of june 2017 is 0</para> [optional]
incomeFromChildSupport double Child support <para>Only Value for new Auctions since 1st of june 2017 is 0</para> [optional]
incomeOther double Other income <para>Only Value for new Auctions since 1st of june 2017 is 0</para> [optional]
freeCash double Discretionary Income <para>Only Value for new Auctions since 1st of june 2017 is 0</para> [optional]
debtToIncome double Debt to income ratio <para>Only Value for new Auctions since 1st of june 2017 is 0</para> [optional]
eADRate double Exposure at Default (expressed as a percentage of the original loan amount), indicates outstanding investor exposure at the time of default, including outstanding principal amount plus accrued but unpaid interests. [optional]
maturityFactor double Maturity Factor M of 1.3 is assumed for loans with duration exceeding one year. [optional]
interestRateAlpha double Interest rate alpha [optional]

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