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82 lines (69 loc) · 2.6 KB

File metadata and controls

82 lines (69 loc) · 2.6 KB


Package: main


  • "fmt"
  • "html/template"
  • "net/http"
  • ""
  • " v2.6.1 // indirect"

Type: page

  • Status: bool
  • Header1: interface{}
  • IsLoggedin: bool
  • Valid: bool


  • tpl: *template.Template
  • Store: sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte("session"))
  • P: page{ Status: false }
  • userData: map[string]string{ "username": "abhinand", "password": "123", }

functions :

  • func init
  • func login
  • func loginHandler
  • func logoutHandler
  • func middleware
  • func index
  • func main

Main-func Working

  • http.HandleFunc("/", index)
  • http.HandleFunc("/login-submit", loginHandler)
  • http.HandleFunc("/login", login)
  • http.HandleFunc("/logout", Logouthandler)
  • http.ListenAndServe("localhost:8080", nil)

Func: init

  • Initializes the template by parsing the templates located in the "template/*.html" glob pattern.

Func: index

  • Handles the "/" route.
  • Executes the "index.html" template and sends the output to the http.ResponseWriter.
  • Calls the Middleware function to check if the user is logged in.
  • If the user is logged in, sets the page.Status value to true.

Func: login

  • Handles the "/login" route.
  • Executes the "login.html" template and sends the output to the http.ResponseWriter.
  • Calls the Middleware function to check if the user is logged in.
  • If the user is logged in, redirects to the "/login-submit" route.

Func: loginHandler

  • Handles the "/login-submit" route.
  • If the request method is GET, calls the Middleware function to check if the user is logged in.
  • If the user is logged in, redirects to the "/" route.
  • Parses the form data from the request.
  • Gets the email and password values from the request form data.
  • If the email and password match the ones in the userData map and the request method is POST, creates a new session and sets the "id" value to "AKSHAY".
  • Sets the page.Header1 value to the session "id" value.
  • Saves the session and redirects to the "/" route.
  • If the email and password don't match or the request method is not POST, redirects to the "/login" route.

Func: logoutHandler

  • Handles the "/logout" route.
  • If the user is logged in (page.Status is true), gets the session and sets the MaxAge value to -1 to expire the session.
  • Saves the session and redirects to the "/" route.
  • If the user is not logged in (page.Status is false), redirects to the "/login" route.

Func: Middleware

  • Takes an http.ResponseWriter and an http.Request as arguments.
  • Gets the session and checks if the "id" value is set.
  • If the "id" value is set, returns true.
  • If the "id" value is not set, returns false.