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Releases: TeamFlos/phira


06 Jul 05:35
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  • ! 添加多人模式,现在可以和朋友一起联机对战啦!
  • ! 添加活动系统,敬请期待即将到来的活动!
  • ! 用户资料页添加最近游玩记录,同时支持查看排行榜内的用户资料页
  • ! 添加了不安全模式,低版本安卓无法连接服务器可尝试使用该模式
  • 苹果系统现在支持带视频谱面的播放
  • 支持删除账户
  • 修复了用户头像不及时刷新的问题
  • 修复了平均误差显示错误的问题
  • 修复了评分时崩溃的问题
  • 修复了安卓无法复制错误的问题

What's New

  • ! Add multiplayer mode. Compete with your friends online!
  • ! Add event system. Stay tuned for the incoming events!
  • ! Add recent play records in user profile page. Also you can now see a player's profile page on clicking on his avatar in leaderboard
  • ! Add insecure mode, enabling devices of lower Android versions to use online functionalities
  • Support video background on iOS
  • Support deleting account
  • Fix: User avatar does not update after updating
  • Fix: Wrong mean error in the result scene
  • Fix: Crashes on rating
  • Fix: Can't copy error on Android


26 May 12:45
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  • 紧急修复了无法下载谱面的问题

What's New

  • Fix: can't download beatmaps


26 May 11:24
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  • 为缓解服务器压力,从现在起仅登录用户可查看在线谱面
  • 修复了部分在线资源加载的问题

What's New

  • Aiming to reduce the server pressure, only logged in users can see online beatmaps from now on
  • Fix some online resource loading issues


25 May 05:31
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  • ! 客户端使用 Brotli 压缩,减少资金压力
  • 修复了结算界面溢出的问题,添加了结算中时间标准差的显示
  • 优化了部分语言的翻译

What's New

  • ! Use Brotli compression to relieve the server
  • Fix result screen UI, add std time display
  • Improve some localizations


21 May 15:45
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  • ! 默认皮肤重置,来自 @星鹿ELEC & @小赵同学
  • ! 加载 & 结算界面重置
  • 支持搜索自己上传的谱面
  • iOS 支持退出时自动暂停游戏
  • 修复了本地存在大量谱面时加载卡顿的问题
  • 添加了越南语,来自 @Vanilla6770 & @Nekitori17
  • 添加了关于界面
  • UI 微调

What's New

  • ! New default skin, from @星鹿ELEC & @小赵同学
  • ! New loading and result screen
  • Support listing beatmaps uploaded by you
  • iOS: auto pause
  • Optimization: load beatmap illustrations lazily
  • Vietnamese localization, by @Vanilla6770 & @Nekitori17
  • Add about page
  • UI tweaks


12 May 16:20
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  • ! 引入了谱面分区机制(上架、特殊、未上架)
  • ! 谱师上传谱面规则有变动,详见游戏内公告
  • 添加了繁体中文,by @Limefruit1
  • 添加了更多的谱面信息
  • 可能修复了部分机型特效卡顿的问题
  • 修复了 BGM 音量无法调节的问题
  • 修复了输入对话框在 iOS 上无法取消的问题
  • 修复了练习模式内切换速度有时无效的问题

What's New

  • ! A new division system: Ranked, Special and Unstable
  • ! Beatmap uploading rules have changed. See in-game notification for more info
  • Add Traditional Chinese localization, by @Limefruit1
  • Add more beatmap info in UI
  • Fix: (probably) shader causes lag on some devices
  • Fix: BGM volume setting does not work
  • Fix: Input dialogs cannot be cancelled on iOS
  • Fix: Changing speed in exercise mode is sometimes ignored


02 May 15:31
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  • ! 增加了评分系统,并支持按评分范围过滤谱面以及按评分高低排序
  • ! 增加了谱面更新系统。此后请不要重复上传谱面,直接编辑谱面后更新即可(以前上传的谱面需要重新下载才能编辑更新)
  • ! 添加了 Mods 系统,包括 Autoplay、镜像、下隐 的功能
  • 谱师现在可以删除自己的谱面
  • 支持调节 BGM 音量
  • 添加了韩语翻译,by @DominoKorean
  • 添加了法语翻译,by @Luc-Webster
  • 修复了练习模式下触控不正常的问题
  • 提升了离线模式下的体验
  • 修复在部分设备上的闪退问题
  • 修复了安装新版本后在线谱面消失的问题
  • 修复在线页码不正确的问题
  • 修复了排行榜排名显示问题
  • UI 微调

What's New

  • ! Add chart rating system: you can now rate beatmaps! Ordering by rating and filtering by rating range are also supported
  • ! Add beatmap update system. STARTING FROM NOW, YOU SHOULD NOT RE-UPLOAD BEATMAPS TO UPDATE. Instead, just choose "Update" in the edit section. (You have to re-download beatmaps if you uploaded them before this release, in order to update them)
  • ! Add Mods system. This includes Autoplay, Flip-X, Fade out
  • Uploaders can now delete their own beatmaps
  • BGM volume setting
  • Korean localization by @DominoKorean
  • French localization by @Luc-Webster
  • Fix: UI misbehaves in exercise mode
  • Enhance offline mode (no more error popups!)
  • Fix: crash on some devices
  • Fix: beatmaps disappear after installing new version
  • Fix: incorrect page number
  • Fix: leaderboard rank display overflows
  • UI tweaks


21 Apr 16:16
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  • ! 增加了主界面 BGM,来自 Shiroi-Ice 的《MapleCamp☆》。也欢迎在官方 B 站账号上 查看
  • ! 增加了标签功能,可以按标签筛选谱面
  • ! 增加了热门谱面一栏
  • ! 增加了显示实时准度的选项,可在设置中开启
  • ! 使用新的判定逻辑,增加了判定精度
  • ! 支持在练习模式内调整速度
  • 修复了特效谱在加载界面卡死的问题
  • 微调判定
  • 大概修复了 iOS13 无法导入文件的问题
  • 修复了用户信息不能及时更新的问题
  • 修复了 hitFxTinted 影响判定线颜色的问题
  • 修复了在主界面点击左上角会闪退的问题
  • 修复了部分情况下无法删除谱面的问题
  • 修复了翻译不全的问题

What's New

  • ! Add UI BGM: "MapleCamp☆" from Shiroi-Ice. Check it out on BiliBili as well!
  • ! Support chart tags. You can now filter charts by tags.
  • ! Add "popular charts" tab
  • ! Support showing real-time accuracy. Can be enabled in settings.
  • ! Use new judge strategy. The time precision is improved.
  • ! Support changing speed inside exercise mode
  • Fix: some charts causes game to freeze
  • Tweak judgement
  • Fix (maybe?): iOS13 can't import file
  • Fix: user info is not updated sometimes
  • Fix: hitFxTinted affects judge line's color
  • Fix: click at the left-top of the main screen crashes the game
  • Fix: charts can't be deleted sometimes
  • Fix: incomplete translation


16 Apr 13:18
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  • ! 添加了新的评分标准“无暇度”;以前的成绩不计入该榜,而新版本游玩的谱面会计入该榜
  • ! 优化了 flick 判定
  • 添加了调试模式(显示线号,显示触摸点位)
  • 修复了游玩画面的锯齿问题
  • 修复了离线模式的行为
  • 移除了本地谱面界面的翻页键
  • 修复了消息界面文字溢出的问题
  • 添加了歌曲界面中难度的显示
  • 修复了资源包 compact hold 显示错误的问题
  • 修复了一些 UI 行为
  • 优化泰语、俄语的翻译
  • 加入 Phira 谱面格式
  • 修复无法删除错误资源包的问题

What's New

  • ! Add new ranking standard "Purity"; old records will not be ignored while new records will have this measurement
  • ! Optimize flick judgement
  • Add debug mode (show line number, or show touch points)
  • Fix alias in game play
  • Fix the behavior of offline mode
  • Remove page buttons in the local beatmap screen
  • Fix text overflow in message screen
  • Add difficulty display in chart page
  • Fix display issue of compact hold note in resource pack screen
  • Fix some incorrect UI behaviors
  • Improve Thai and Russian localization
  • Add Phira chart format
  • Fix the issue that corrupted respack cannot be deleted


14 Apr 05:13
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  • 添加了消息系统
  • 添加了速度设置
  • 修复了官谱显示问题
  • 添加了俄语,来自 Reenouneer;修复了泰语问题,来自 Wakaranai

What's New

  • Message system
  • Speed setting
  • Fix official chart issues
  • Add Russian localization by Reenouneer; fix Thai localization by Wakaranai