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List of Linux Tools I put on almost every Linux / Debian host

Use Eget to download apps from Github

  • Click here to download eget, then type $ eget schollz/croc to download croc (which copies files between systems)
  • Change "schollz/croc" to any github repo discussed below …

Table of Contents

What I (typically) Install:

Desktop GUI Apps

  • geany-> GUI editor/ like “notepad++” for Windows
  • wireshark--> network packet reviewer
  • visual Studio Code --> (sudo snap install --classic code) Microsoft Visual Studio Code IDE for Linux
  • guake-> GUI terminal client for linux, more options than the built in terminal

Terminal File Explorers

  • xplr --> Very graphical, best on large screens (sayanarijit/xplr on Github)
  • 🌟 nnn--> Efficient and elegant (! drops to the command prompt) - personal favorite
  • lf--> Cross platform (best for Windows, imho) (gokcehan/lf on Github)

LS like Directory Viewers

  • exa--> ls-like file / directory lister, adds colors and more to the standard ls output (Exa website link)
  • 🌟 lsd-> Another ls clone, cross-platform (works on Linux, Mac Win) can also show directory sizes (Peltoche/lsd GitHub) - personal favorite

Text Editors and Viewers

  • micro--> For those new to Linux, or aren’t into vi or vim (/zyedidia/micro on Github)
  • ne--> Terminal editor (like nano / code highlighting, "esc" or F1 for menus)
  • 🌟 vim--> VI editor with tons of extras - personal favorite
  • vimrc--> config script for vim (from Github amix/vimrc) --> Try out vim_awesome based on this
  • bat--> "cat" clone with colors and other features (sharkdp/bat on Github)

Process Explorers

  • glances --> Lots of system info in one "glance", cross-platform (available for Windows) --installs python
  • 🌟 htop --> Supercharged top clone — personal favorite
  • btop--> TUI CLI graphics, fast, less dependencies than Glances (aristocratos/btop on Github)
  • bottom --> A btop inspired process monitor, cross platform

Network Related Apps

  • croc--> Seemlessly and securely send files between 2 systems (cross platform runs on PC, MAC, Linux, Debian etc) (schollz/croc on Github)
  • network-manager--> installs nmtui Terminal Network Manager app (set IPs, etc)
  • hping3--> check if something is on the network, way more powerful than "ping"
  • nmap-> Network scanner --> Check out ncrack for a network authentication tool
  • bmon-> TUI network bandwidth monitor
  • mtr--> Traceroute and ping in one, great for network troubleshooting
  • dog--> Dig clone DNS explorer with a TUI (/ogham/dog on Github)
  • neoss -- ss clone, shows socket statisitcs in an easy to search TUI (PabloLec/neoss on Github)

Misc CLI Terminal Apps

  • chkservice--> TUI Linux systemd service review from the terminal (linuxenko/chkservice on Github)
  • ncdu--> Terminal disk and folder space viewer
  • lynis--> Linux security auditing by CISOFY
  • apt-show-versions--> shows package versions / if needing upgrade ("$ apt-show-versions -u")
  • fd--> Linux find clone with saner defualt options (PC, MAC, Linux, Debian, etc) (sharkdp/fd on Github)
  • fish --> "friendly interactive shell" beats the pants off of bash, (
  • tig--> TUI client for git (jonas/tig on Github)
  • miller --> Does about everything awk and sed does for json/csv/etc files (johnkerl/miller on Github)
  • most--> Linux pager, better than "less" or "more"
  • lazydocker --> TUI terminal software for Docker containers (jesseduffield/lazydocker on Github)
  • json-tui--> Easy way to review json files, has a cool table view (ArthurSonzogni/json-tui Github)
  • jc--> Shows common Linux command output in json format (kellyjonbrazil/jc on Github)
  • duf --> Disk utility TUI (aka a df clone, muesli/duf on Github)
  • visidata --> Reading CSV files or other large data sets (
  • eg --> like tool that helps with Linux commands (srsudar/eg on Github)
  • procs --> A ps process explorer clone with a GUI (dalance/procs on Github)
  • sd --> A sed search & replace clone with saner syntax (/chmln/sd on Github)
  • ripgrep-all --> A grep clone but faster, and can search pdfs, csv, zip, .gz etc, cross platform (/phiresky/ripgrep-all on Github)
  • fzf --> A command-line fuzzy finder that enhances search and navigation in the terminal. Ideal for quickly finding files, command history, git, and more (junegunn/fzf on GitHub)


  • 11/19/23 - Updated Readme for consistency and readability
  • 01/29/23 - Huge improvements to the linux installer, added eget as a software installer
  • 11/05/22 - Now the apps at the left are links to where you can get these tools (happy holidays 🥳)!

Sometimes using 2 apps together can be helpful

  • Using jc and json-tui together can produce some pretty results, the top of the picture shows the table view output of sudo jc -p lsof -i |json-tui (the bottom showing the standard lsof -i results)
