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What is Kokonut...?

Block Chain Framework powered by Kotlin


Fuel Node

Full Node

Light Node

  • Mine Block. powered by kokonut
  • Check Chain is valid

Kokonut Protocol



The block has unique 64-digit hex string hash

The version(it means protocol version) of next block is greater or equals to last block

The nonce means times of 1 cycle of proven of work

Block file format is JSON

Block file name is [hash].json for example, 000000000000000000000000000038a5bf10897e309c984402d1b8132faaaa.json

Genesis Block

The block is 0 index of chain which has nonce : 0 & previous hash : "0"

The hash is made arificially

Any blocks can't be added before genesis block

Version 1 (until kokonut:1.0.5)


Added :

Proven Of Work is executed at least 1 full node

Block Structure

  "version": 1,
  "index": 0,
  "previousHash": "00000000000000000000000000000000bf10897e359e874402dbb8132faaaa",
  "timestamp": 1722064910519,
  "ticker": "KNT",
  "data": {
    "comment": "When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor."
  "difficulty": 32,
  "nonce": 12123345,
  "hash": "000000000000000000000000000038a5bf10897e309c984402d1b8132faaaa"

Proven Of Work

val calculatedHash = Block.calculateHash(

  fun calculateHash(version : Int, index: Long, previousHash: String, timestamp: Long, ticker: String, data: BlockData, difficulty: Int, nonce : Long): String {
    val input = "$version$index$previousHash$timestamp$ticker$data$difficulty$nonce"
      return MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256")
      .fold("") { str, it -> str + "%02x".format(it) }

Version 2 (until kokonut:1.0.7)


Inherit abstract of version 1

Added :

  • Miner(64 digit hex string converted by public_key.pem) added to block
  • Reward added for miner(KNT) (Unfortunately, version 2 reward is Invalid)
  • The minimum unit of reward is 0.000001

Block Structure

  "data": {
    "comment":"Mining Kokonut"

Proven Of Work (Same as Version 1)

Version 3 (until kokonut:1.3.0)


Inherit abstract of version 2

Added :

  • Reward is valid (It is valuable)
  • Optional : The minor number of kokonut framework is same to kokonut protocol version (for example kokonut:1.3.0 framework uses kokonut protocol version 3)
  • Protocol version smaller or equal to 2 blocks use version 2's proven of work

Block Structure (Same as Version 2)

Proven Of Work

val calculatedHash = Block.calculateHash(

  fun calculateHash(version : Int, index: Long, previousHash: String, timestamp: Long, ticker: String, data: BlockData, difficulty: Int, nonce : Long, reward : Double): String {
    val input = "$version$index$previousHash$timestamp$ticker$data$difficulty$nonce$reward"
      return MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256")
      .fold("") { str, it -> str + "%02x".format(it) }

Version 4


Patial Inherit abstract of version 3

Added :

  • Version 1, 2 and 3 are prohibited exist with version 4 in one block chain
  • All blocks are fully integrity guranteed (prevent modulation)
  • The mining reward is adjusted by Reduction Time, block generation term is predicted 10 minitues (Index of block starts from 1 and Total Blocks per Year is 365 day * 144 blocks/day ), whick follows


Modified :

  • Duty : The major number of kokonut framework is same to kokonut protocol version (for example kokonut:3.0.0 framework uses kokonut protocol version 3)

Genesis Block

Given the following conditions, this block can be defined as the Genesis Block

  • previous hash is "0"
  • index is 0
  • miner is "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
  • reward is 0.0
  • transaction is empty (not null)
  • difficulty is 0
  • nonce is 0


  • Transaction is available it is added to block
  • Transaction Validation
    • Verify signed data with public key
    • Sender retention is bigger or equal than remittance
    • Sender and Receiver must be diffierent
  • Tansaction State Diagram image
    1. Sender request transaction to fuel node with public key & signed data
    2. Transaction is added to transaction pool with state PENDING
    3. Fuel node execute validation using public key & signed data
    4. If transaction is valid, transaction state changes to READY
    5. Else if it is invalid, state is INVALID
    6. Miner picks transaction, state is RESERVED
    7. Mine is done, state is EXECUTED and it is recorded to Block
    8. Sender cancels transaction, state is CANCELED
    9. Miner drops out mining, state RESERVED to READY

Block Structure

  "data": {
    "comment":"kokonut version 4"

Proven Of Work

    fun calculateHash(): String {
        val input = "$version$index$previousHash$timestamp$data$difficulty$nonce"
        hash = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256")
            .fold("") { str, it -> str + "%02x".format(it) }
        return hash
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