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NochexDevTeam edited this page May 15, 2018 · 2 revisions

Nochex Installation Instructions

IMPORTANT - Customers are always recommended to back up their code before making any significant changes, such as

the ones detailed in this document.

  1. Firstly make sure you have downloaded the latest module files

  2. Next, Login to your thirty bees admin page.

  3. Select Modules and Services > Add a New Module

  4. Once Add a New Module section shows, Press Choose a file, and locate your Nochex Gateway Plugin

  5. Press Upload Module to add the module to your thirty bees store.

  6. Press the Install button

  7. Once installed, complete the necessary information fields:

  • (Required field) Nochex Merchant ID/ Email Address: This is your Nochex Merchant ID email address or a Nochex ID e.g. test_ID.
  • (Optional field) Test Mode: This is an option to test that the module/system works. Note: Leave unselected if you want to make live transactions.
  • (Optional field) Hide Billing Details: This is an option if you choose to hide billing details.
  • (Optional field) Debug: This option allows the module to record information about the module and orders, which can help with detecting problems.
  • (Optional field) Detailed Product Information: Show a detailed product list to your Nochex payment page.
  • (Optional field) Postage: Display the postage amount separately from the total on your Nochex payment page.
  • (Optional field) Callback: if you enable this option please contact Nochex support so we can enable this on your account.
  1. Once you have entered your details, press the update settings button.

  2. Finally go to your shop and test to make sure the Nochex Payment Gateway has been setup correctly as well as orders showing correctly.

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