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Dante GPT

Transformer-based LLMs trained on Dante Alighieri's Divina Commedia.


The simplest way to download yourself this data is to open a Jupyter Notebook (if you are using a Conda environment, remember to install wget) and run

!wget --no-check-certificate

Run DanteGPT

Simply run and start typing. One note of caution: I have used a character-level LLM using a vocabulary derived from the text itself. This means that some characters, such as w and k are not available and will break the model.


Model 1

Model 1 is pretty much identical to nanoGPT in the MakeMore series by Andrej Karpathy. It uses a simple lookup table as token embedding with n_emb=384, implemented with nn.Embedding(vocab_size, n_emb). These 384-dimensional token embedding vectors are added to 384-dimensional positional embedding vectors, obtained with nn.Embedding(context_size, n_emb). The resulting embedded vectors contain both positional and identity information. These are fed through 6 Transformer blocks. Each transformer block starts with a LayerNorm, then the input is fed through MultiHeadSelfAttention using 6 heads with latent dimension (i.e. the dimension of the keys, queries and values) of d_head=n_emb/n_heads=64. The results of the 6 heads are aggregated with a linear projection nn.Linear(n_emb, n_emb) and a dropout with rate 0.2 is applied. In this model we use self-attention, i.e. this is a decoder-only architecture. After the dropout, we use a residual/skip connection, go through another LayerNorm and through a one-hidden-layer Feed-Forward Neural Network with ReLU activation function, 4 n_emb hidden units and dropout of 0.2. Then this is fed through another residual/skip connection. This is all repeated 6 times. After the sixth block, we use one last LayerNorm, a Linear layer to project back onto a space of dimension vocab_size and this is fed through the cross-entropy loss.

After training the model for 5000 iterations, this is the first 500 characters that it generated from Virgilio. It does very much resemble the Italian language at that time and even has some rhymes :)

fosse che sempre la gente a costa parte
sovra 'l quale il fé chiaro chiude,
  ma però che non mi fia desse resplende,
che di lui dicesse a Dio: '   Bonedes   '
al maestro suo per lui vostro menie!
  Qui vivi mi cinto in basso a questo carto
per lo novo che 'ntelletto tu deschiere
sen vanno grazie sì fatta brevi,
che sien vuole esser non chi eren martìri.
  Ma dimmi, dove sien padri vere,
ch'i' son morti la pietade al chiostro
più alto che stelle novità reschiere.
  Ma voi che sappi che sì s'inn

Currently, the model is overfitting, which makes sense given a lot of the design choices.

Model 2

The overfitting of Model1 suggests that the model is over-parametrized (at a later stage, I will explore double-descent). Model2 is a smaller model and also has some architectural differences: It uses a GeLU activation function, and it implements Flash attention. Importantly, inside flash attention it also uses a dropout of 0.2 at training time.

Model2 uses n_emb=100, 4 transformer blocks with 4 heads each, the rest of the model is identical.

Moving Forward

  1. Implement FlashAttention, which computes exact self-attention but can bring important speed ups. See HuggingFace for a simple, quick explanation.
  2. GeLU activation functions: ReLU suffers from the problem of "dead ReLU" neurons, meaning that a large portion of the network might not be doing any learning. GeLU has a small curvature (and thug gradient) everywhere, potentially allowing more efficient learning.
  3. Cope (Contextual Position Encoding): standard positional encoding simply encodes the position of a token in the context, whereas this allows for higher level of abstractions, e.g. can represent the count of words, verbs, sentences and so on.
  4. Various simplification mechanisms, based on this and potentially this or even this paper. For example removing some residual connections and LayerNorms.
  5. Quantization for speed up and lighter memory.
  6. Implement temperature in final softmax to allow for more flexibility at test time.
  7. Weight decay on weight tensors, i.e. all the tensors performing a matmul operation as well as the embedding, but excluding the biases and LayerNorms. This would be similar to what Andrej Karpathy has done in NanoGPT. Notice that AdamW can take group parameters.
  8. Learning rate decay scheduler (possibly with cosine warmup).