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182 lines (146 loc) · 4.91 KB

File metadata and controls

182 lines (146 loc) · 4.91 KB

Vim Cheat Sheet

Open a file

command description
vim + file.ext Open file at last line
vim +42 file.ext Open file at line 42
vim +/^include_path Open the file at the line that starts with include_path


command description
:q Quit
:wq Write and Quit
:q! Quit without saving
ZZ Write and quit
ZQ Quit without saving


command description
b Move to the BEGINNING of the word
e Move to the END of the word
ge Move to the END of the PREVIOUS word
gg Move to START of buffer
G Move to END of buffer
h Move cursor LEFT
j Move cursor DOWN
k Move cursor UP
l Move cursor RIGHT
n gg OR n G Move to n line (n represents a digit)
w Move to the start of the next word
ctrl+b Move BACK one page
ctrl+f Move FORWARD one page

Inserting Text

command description
a append after the cursor
A append at end of line
i Insert before cursor
I Insert before line
o Create new line below and start editing
O Create new line above and start editing
gi Place cursor where you were last editing (Useful for when you exit Insert mode and then need to go back where you once were)

Other Commands

command description
u undo
ctrl + R redo


command description
:ls List current buffers
:bn Next buffer
:bp Previous Buffer
:bd Close Buffer


command description
:tabnew create new tab
:tabn move to NEXT tab
:tabp move to PREVIOUS tab
:tabfir goto FIRST tab
:tablas goto LAST tab


command description
ctrl + w s Split window horizontally
ctrl + w v Split window vertically
ctrl + w q Close current window, if last window then exit vim
ctrl + w c Close current window, will not exit vim
ctrl + w o Make window the only window on the screen

Spell Checking

" ~/.vimrc
" Enable spell checking
set spell


command description
]s Move to next misspelled word
[s Move to previous misspelled word
z= Show list of possible replacements words


  1. Press q then press another key that you want to assign it to. Example: qq
  2. Enter commands
  3. Press q when finished
  4. To run the macro, press @ and then the key that it is assigned to. Example @q
  5. NOTE: Can be ran multiple times. Enter the number of times you want it to run then the macro. Example 10@q will run the macro 10 times.

Code Folding

command description
zo OPEN code fold under cursor
zc CLOSE code fold under cursor
zO OPEN ALL code folds under cursor
zC CLOSE ALL code folds under cursor
zr Reduces all code folds by one level in buffer
zR Reduces all code folds in buffer (ie: Open all code folds)


command description
ma Create mark a in file
'a Jump to mark a
d'a Delete line mark a
:marks List marks
:delmarks a Deletes mark a
:delmarks! Deletes all marks

Auto complete

command description
ctrl + x ctrl + o Autocomplete current word
ctrl + x ctrl + n word completion next
ctrl + x ctrl + p word completion previous
ctrl + x ctrl + f Complete filename
ctrl + x ctrl + l Whole line completion


" ~/.vimrc
autocmd FileType python set omnifunc=pythoncomplete#Complete
autocmd FileType javascript set omnifunc=javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS
autocmd FileType html set omnifunc=htmlcomplete#CompleteTags
autocmd FileType css set omnifunc=csscomplete#CompleteCSS
autocmd FileType xml set omnifunc=xmlcomplete#CompleteTags
autocmd FileType php set omnifunc=phpcomplete#CompletePHP
autocmd FileType c set omnifunc=ccomplete#Complete

Reformat mixed indent files

" Goto first line in file
" Enter visual line mode
" Goto the last line of the file
" Filter lines

Multi Liners

:set tw=80                  Sets text width to 80 characters
    gg                      Goto first line
    gqG                     Format file till you reach the last line

Remove trailing whitespace on the ends of every line
