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{: .no_toc } As part of the project we continuesly collect and publish results form the hyperparameter optimization benchmarks. In the following we preesnt a brief overview of all currently availble experimentes we perfom using basht. The first set of experiments aims to evaluate the effects on changing parallelization, execution environment, trail duration, and sampling strategies. Through the unified tooling, we can foster repeatability, fairness, understandability and portability for all proposed experiments. We publish all used experiment configurations here.

Table of contents

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  1. TOC {:toc}


We compare all experimentes with a baseline workload. For that we the MNIST dataset $$(t={MNIST})$$ for digit classification performed by a simple feed-forward network ($$m={ff}$$), with the ADAM optimizer ($$ta=ADAM$$) . The network uses linear layers varying in size $$ls$$ and number $$ln$$, weight-decay ($$decay$$) and learning rate ($$lr$$) as its hyperparameters. The parameter search will be conducted using grid search ($$sa={gridsearch}$$) without pruning ($$pa=\emptyset$$) and the equivalent of four similar-sized workers with: $$wn=4, wcpu=2, wmem=2048, at=CPU$$, each without any accelerator hardware configured. We want to stress that the workload configuration shall not be mistaken with a hyperparameter configuration $$\phi$$.

Resource Impact Experimentes

To explore the effects of changing resources and parallelization, we utilize base-workload under changing the scale of available worker resources. We perform this experiment in four ways:

  1. R-MEM: vertical memory scalability, we keep four workers but increase $$wmem$$ in 128MB intervals until JCT converges.
  2. R-CPU: vertical CPU scalability, we increase vCPU per worker until JCT converges

R-ACL accelerator scalability, we add different types of accelerators (TPUs, GPUs) to each worker and 4. R-Node: horizontal scalability, we increase the number of available workers.

For each experiment we are interested changes in Trail-Wattage in combination with changes in optimization cost and JCT. As a hypothesis, we assume that: The target deployment platform for each SUT strongly influences the ideal scaling configuration regarding energy efficiency.

Search Impact Experimentes

One impacting factor on the HPO process is the used sampling and pruning strategies. Thus, we propose three experiments:

  1. S-Sam sampling impact, we vary the sampling strategy1 ($$sa$$)
  2. S-Pru pruning impact by enabling available pruning strategies ($$pa$$)
  3. S-$$\Phi$$ search space impacts, by reducing and increasing the search parameter space ($$ps$$).

For each experiment we are interested changes in Waste in combination with changes in JCT and optimization cost. As a hypothesis, we assume that: Changes in the search space, sampling, and pruning approach strongly impact the waste and thus overall energy efficiency of HPO processes.

These experiments are by no means complete, and we foresee adding more targeted experiments once we explore a large number of SUT. However, these already enable the first approach to correlate impacts on energy efficiency, carbon emissions, and wasted operations to steps and configurations in the HPO process.


  1. dependes on availability for each SUT