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edumeet logo server configuration properties list:

Name Description Format Default value
turnAPIKey TURN server key for requesting a geoip-based TURN server closest to the client. "string" ""
turnAPIURI TURN server URL for requesting a geoip-based TURN server closest to the client. "string" ""
turnAPIparams.uri_schema TURN server URL schema. "string" "turn"
turnAPIparams.transport TURN server transport. [ "tcp", "udp"] "tcp"
turnAPIparams.ip_ver TURN server IP version. [ "ipv4", "ipv6"] "ipv4"
turnAPIparams.servercount TURN server count. "nat" 2
turnAPITimeout TURN server API timeout (seconds). "nat" 2000
backupTurnServers Backup TURN servers if REST fails or is not configured "*" [ { "urls": [ "" ], "username": "example", "credential": "example" }]
fileTracker Bittorrent tracker. "string" "wss://" Redis server host. "string" "localhost"
redisOptions.port Redis server port. "port" 6379
redisOptions.password Redis server password. "string" ""
cookieSecret Session cookie secret. "string" "T0P-S3cR3t_cook!e"
cookieName Session cookie name. "string" "edumeet.sid"
tls.cert SSL certificate path. "string" "./certs/edumeet-demo-cert.pem"
tls.key SSL key path. "string" "./certs/edumeet-demo-key.pem"
listeningHost The listening Host or IP address. "string" ""
listeningPort The HTTPS listening port. "port" 443
listeningRedirectPort The HTTP server listening port used for redirecting any HTTP request to HTTPS. If 0, the redirect server is disabled. "port" 8080
httpOnly Listens only on HTTP on listeningPort; listeningRedirectPort disabled. Use case: load balancer backend. "boolean" false
trustProxy WebServer/Express trust proxy config for httpOnly mode. More infos: expressjs, proxy-addr "string" ""
staticFilesCachePeriod The max-age in milliseconds for HTTP caching of static resources. This can also be a string accepted by the ms module. "*" 0
activateOnHostJoin When true, the room will be open to all users since there are users in the room. "boolean" true
roomsUnlocked An array of rooms users can enter without waiting in the lobby. "array" []
maxUsersPerRoom It defines how many users can join a single room. If not set, no limit is applied. "nat" 0
routerScaleSize Room size before spreading to a new router. "nat" 40
requestTimeout Socket timeout value (ms). "nat" 20000
requestRetries Socket retries when a timeout occurs. "nat" 3
mediasoup.numWorkers The number of Mediasoup workers to spawn. Defaults to the available CPUs count. "nat" 4
mediasoup.worker.logLevel The Mediasoup log level. "string" "warn"
mediasoup.worker.logTags The Mediasoup log tags. "array" [ "info", "ice", "dtls", "rtp", "srtp", "rtcp"]
mediasoup.worker.rtcMinPort The Mediasoup start listening port number. "port" 40000
mediasoup.worker.rtcMaxPort The Mediasoup end listening port number. "port" 49999
mediasoup.router.mediaCodecs The Mediasoup codecs settings. supportedRtpCapabilities "*" [ { "kind": "audio", "mimeType": "audio/opus", "clockRate": 48000, "channels": 2 }, { "kind": "video", "mimeType": "video/VP8", "clockRate": 90000, "parameters": { "x-google-start-bitrate": 1000 } }, { "kind": "video", "mimeType": "video/VP9", "clockRate": 90000, "parameters": { "profile-id": 2, "x-google-start-bitrate": 1000 } }, { "kind": "video", "mimeType": "video/h264", "clockRate": 90000, "parameters": { "packetization-mode": 1, "profile-level-id": "4d0032", "level-asymmetry-allowed": 1, "x-google-start-bitrate": 1000 } }, { "kind": "video", "mimeType": "video/h264", "clockRate": 90000, "parameters": { "packetization-mode": 1, "profile-level-id": "42e01f", "level-asymmetry-allowed": 1, "x-google-start-bitrate": 1000 } }]
mediasoup.webRtcTransport.listenIps The Mediasoup listen IPs. TransportListenIp "array" [ { "ip": "", "announcedIp": null } ]
mediasoup.webRtcTransport.initialAvailableOutgoingBitrate The Mediasoup initial available outgoing bitrate (in bps). WebRtcTransportOptions "nat" 1000000
mediasoup.webRtcTransport.maxIncomingBitrate The Mediasoup maximum incoming bitrate for each transport. (in bps). setMaxIncomingBitrate "nat" 15000000
prometheus.enabled Enables the Prometheus metrics exporter. "boolean" false
prometheus.listen Prometheus metrics exporter listening address. "string" "localhost"
prometheus.port The Prometheus metrics exporter listening port. "port" 8889
prometheus.deidentify De-identify IP addresses in Prometheus logs. "boolean" false
prometheus.numeric Show numeric IP addresses in Prometheus logs. "boolean" false
prometheus.quiet Include fewer labels in Prometheus metrics. "boolean" false
prometheus.period The Prometheus metrics exporter update period (seconds). "nat" 15
prometheus.secret The Prometheus metrics exporter authorization header: Bearer <secret> required to allow scraping. "string" ""
accessFromRoles User roles. "*" { "BYPASS_ROOM_LOCK": [ { "id": 2529, "label": "admin", "level": 50, "promotable": true } ], "BYPASS_LOBBY": [ { "id": 4261, "label": "normal", "level": 10, "promotable": false } ]}
permissionsFromRoles User permissions from roles. "*" { "CHANGE_ROOM_LOCK": [ { "id": 5337, "label": "moderator", "level": 40, "promotable": true } ], "PROMOTE_PEER": [ { "id": 4261, "label": "normal", "level": 10, "promotable": false } ], "MODIFY_ROLE": [ { "id": 4261, "label": "normal", "level": 10, "promotable": false } ], "SEND_CHAT": [ { "id": 4261, "label": "normal", "level": 10, "promotable": false } ], "MODERATE_CHAT": [ { "id": 5337, "label": "moderator", "level": 40, "promotable": true } ], "SHARE_AUDIO": [ { "id": 4261, "label": "normal", "level": 10, "promotable": false } ], "SHARE_VIDEO": [ { "id": 4261, "label": "normal", "level": 10, "promotable": false } ], "SHARE_SCREEN": [ { "id": 4261, "label": "normal", "level": 10, "promotable": false } ], "EXTRA_VIDEO": [ { "id": 4261, "label": "normal", "level": 10, "promotable": false } ], "SHARE_FILE": [ { "id": 4261, "label": "normal", "level": 10, "promotable": false } ], "MODERATE_FILES": [ { "id": 5337, "label": "moderator", "level": 40, "promotable": true } ], "MODERATE_ROOM": [ { "id": 5337, "label": "moderator", "level": 40, "promotable": true } ]}
allowWhenRoleMissing Allow when role missing. "array" [ "CHANGE_ROOM_LOCK"]

Document generated with: yarn gen-config-docs