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Development Aids

Koen Teuwen edited this page Jul 17, 2021 · 22 revisions

To aid the development process, several development aids are included in the Makefile.

You can now use the following commands from the Makefile as well:

  • make phpcbf before committing to beautify your changes according to the PSR1 and PSR12 standards.
  • make phpcsfix to beatify all project code.
  • make phpstan to perform a static code analysis to find probable bugs.

On Linux or inside WSL, you can run apt-get install -y php-cli php-intl php-soap php-imagick php-memcached php-xdebug followed by php composer.phar install -o --ignore-platform-reqs to circumvent Docker (which can be slow) and run the above mentioned commands natively (see the Makefile for the actual commands used).