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123 lines (101 loc) · 2.71 KB

Zobrist's Hashing

 struct Hash {
	long long x, y; 
	Hash () {
		x = prng (); 
		y = prng (); 
	Hash (int x_, int y_) {
		x = x_; 
		y = y_; 
	Hash operator ^ (const Hash &other) {
		Hash tmp; 
		tmp.x = x ^ other.x;
		tmp.y = y ^ other.y;
		return tmp;
	operator pair<long long ,long long> () const {
		return make_pair (x, y);

Problem :

Rolling + Double Hashing:

const int P=239017, mx=1e9+7, my=1e9+9;

inline int add(int a,int b,int mod){ return (int)((a*1ll+b)%mod); }
inline int sub(int a,int b,int mod){ return (int)((a*1ll+mod-b)%mod); }
inline int mul(int a,int b,int mod){ return (int)((a*1ll*b)%mod); }

struct Rollhsh{
   int x,y;
   Rollhsh() = default;
   Rollhsh(int _x):x(_x),y(_x) {}
   Rollhsh(int _x,int _y):x(_x),y(_y) {}
   inline Rollhsh operator+(const Rollhsh &h) const { return Rollhsh(add(x,h.x,mx),add(y,h.y,my));}         
   inline Rollhsh operator*(const Rollhsh &h) const { return Rollhsh(mul(x,h.x,mx),mul(y,h.y,my));}
   inline Rollhsh operator-(const Rollhsh &h) const { return Rollhsh(sub(x,h.x,mx),sub(y,h.y,my));}
   inline bool operator==(const Rollhsh &h) const { return x==h.x && y==h.y; } 

Rollhsh p[900'005],h[900'005];

// get the full hsh of the string 
void init(const string &s){
   int n = sz(s);
   h[0] = s[0];
   p[0] = 1;
   for(int i=1;i<n;i++){
       h[i] = h[i-1]*P + s[i];
       p[i] = p[i-1]*P;

// get the hsh of a substring
Rollhsh hsh(int l,int r){ 
   if(l==0) return h[r];
   return h[r]-h[l-1]*p[r-l+1];

int main(){

   int n,m; cin >> n >> m;	
	Rollhsh H;
	set<pii> dict;

	for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
		string s; cin >> s;
		int len = sz(s);
		Rollhsh tmp = hsh(0,len-1);

	for(int i=0;i<m;i++){
		string q; cin >> q;
		bool ok = false;
		int k = sz(q);
   	Rollhsh tmp=hsh(0,k-1);

		for(int j=0;j<k;j++){
			string x,y;
			Rollhsh xh,yh;
				xh = tmp - p[k-1-j]*q[j] + p[k-1-j]*'b';
				yh = tmp - p[k-1-j]*q[j] + p[k-1-j]*'c';	

			else if(q[j]=='b'){
				xh = tmp - p[k-1-j]*q[j] + p[k-1-j]*'a';
				yh = tmp - p[k-1-j]*q[j] + p[k-1-j]*'c';	
			else if(q[j]=='c'){
    			xh = tmp - p[k-1-j]*q[j] + p[k-1-j]*'a';
				yh = tmp - p[k-1-j]*q[j] + p[k-1-j]*'b';
			if(dict.count(mp(xh.x,xh.y)) || dict.count(mp(yh.x,yh.y))){
				ok = true;
		if(ok) cout << "YES" << endl;
		else cout << "NO" << endl; 

   return 0;