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724 lines (634 loc) · 34.4 KB

File metadata and controls

724 lines (634 loc) · 34.4 KB


  • Implemented automatic sending of user properties to the server without requiring an explicit call to the save method

  • Added setID method for changing device ID based on the device ID type

  • Enhanced segmentation values to include additional supported data types beyond NSString

  • Fixed web view caching issue for widgets

  • Mitigated an issue where the terms and conditions URL (tc key) was sent without double quotes

  • Mitigated an issue where remote config values are not updated after enrolling to a variant


  • Improved crash filtering capabilities to include modifications on the crash report


  • Added support for Feedback Widget terms and conditions

  • Mitigated an issue where SDK limits could affect internal keys

  • Mitigated an issue that enabled recording reserved events

  • Mitigated an issue where timed events could have no ID

  • Mitigated an issue where internal limits were not being applied to some values

  • Mitigated an issue where the request queue could overflow while sending a request

  • Removed timestamps from crash breadcrumbs


  • Added attemptToSendStoredRequests method to combine all events in event queue into a request and attempt to process stored requests

  • Added the iOS privacy manifest to the Countly SDK

  • Added a separate SDK Limits Config with the following options:

    • setMaxKeyLength
    • setMaxValueSize
    • setMaxBreadcrumbCount
    • setMaxSegmentationValues
    • setMaxStackTraceLineLength
    • setMaxStackTraceLinesPerThread
  • Fixed session duration inconsistency by incorporating checks for whether the session has started or not.

  • Deprecated maxKeyLength initial config flag

  • Deprecated crashLogLimit initial config flag

  • Deprecated maxValueLength initial config flag

  • Deprecated maxSegmentationValues initial config flag


  • Added a separate APM Configs with following options:

    • enableForegroundBackgroundTracking
    • enableAppStartTimeTracking
    • enableManualAppLoadedTrigger
    • setAppStartTimestampOverride:
  • Mitigated an issue in the symbol file uploading script where some dSYM files were archived without content

  • Deprecated enablePerformanceMonitoring initial config flag


  • dSYM uploading script now can upload multiple dSYM files if their location is provided
  • Added support for Xcode 15 DWARF file environment variable changes while using dSYM upload script


  • Added disableLocation initial config property to disable location tracking

  • Added addSegmentationToViewWithID: in view interface for adding segmentation to an ongoing view

  • Added addSegmentationToViewWithName: in view interface for adding segmentation to an ongoing view

  • Fixed bug with "pauseViewWithID" call where it could go into a recursive loop


  • Added requestDropAgeHours initial config property to set a time limit after which the requests would be removed if not sent to the server

  • Added a call to enroll users to A/B tests when getting a remote config value: 'getValueAndEnroll'

  • Added a call to enroll users to A/B tests when getting all remote config values: 'getAllValuesAndEnroll'

  • Added app version in all API requests.

  • Fixed sending '--' as carrier name due to platform changes from iOS version 16.4. This version and above will now not send any carrier information due to platform limitations.

  • Mitigated an issue where users could not enroll to an A/B tests if enrollment request has failed


  • Fixed rating feedback widget event key for widget closed event
  • Added testingDownloadExperimentInformation: in remote config interface
  • Added testingGetAllExperimentInfo: in remote config interface


  • Expanded feedback widget functionality. Added ability to use rating widgets.
  • Added functionality to access tags for feedback widgets.
  • Fixed SPM public header issues of CountlyViewTracking.h


  • Added CountlyViewTracking: interface with new view methods:
    • setGlobalViewSegmentation:
    • updateGlobalViewSegmentation:
    • startView:
    • startView:segmentation
    • startAutoStoppedView:
    • startAutoStoppedView:segmentation
    • stopViewWithName:
    • stopViewWithName:segmentation
    • stopViewWithID:
    • stopViewWithID:segmentation
    • pauseViewWithID:
    • pauseViewWithID:
    • stopAllViews:
  • Added enableAllConsents initial config property to give all consents at init time
  • Added giveAllConsents method to give all consents
  • Added enableAutomaticViewTracking config for automatic track views
  • Added automaticViewTrackingExclusionList config for automatic view tracking exclusion list
  • Added globalViewSegmentation config to add set global view segmentation.
  • Added enrollABOnRCDownload config method to auto enroll users to AB tests when downloading RC values.
  • Added enableManualSessionControlHybridMode config. With this mode 'updateSession' calls will automatically be handled by SDK for manual session handling.
  • Deprecated giveConsentForAllFeatures method
  • Deprecated CLYAutoViewTracking in config
  • Deprecated existing view tracking methods and variables:
    • recordView:
    • recordView:segmentation
    • addExceptionForAutoViewTracking:
    • removeExceptionForAutoViewTracking:
    • isAutoViewTrackingActive


  • Fixed bug where init time provided global Remote config download callbacks were ignored
  • Remote config values are now not erased anymore when removing remote config consent
  • Added remaining request count 'rr' parameter when sending queued request.


  • Fixed SPM public header issues of CountlyRCData.h and CountlyRemoteConfig.h


  • !! Major breaking change !! Automatically downloaded remote config values will no longer be automatically enrolled in their AB tests.
  • Added CountlyRemoteConfig: interface with new remote config methods:
    • getValue:
    • getAllValues:
    • registerDownloadCallback:
    • removeDownloadCallback:
    • downloadKeys:
    • downloadSpecificKeys:completionHandler
    • downloadOmittingKeys:completionHandler
    • enrollIntoABTestsForKeys:
    • exitABTestsForKeys:
    • testingGetAllVariants:
    • testingGetVariantsForKey:
    • testingDownloadVariantInformation:variantName:completionHandler
    • testingEnrollIntoVariant:
    • clearAll:
  • Added enableRemoteConfigAutomaticTriggers config for automatic remote config download
  • Added enableRemoteConfigValueCaching config for caching of remote config
  • Added remoteConfigRegisterGlobalCallback config to register remote config global callbacks during init.
  • Added getRemoteConfigGlobalCallbacks config to get a list of remote config global callbacks.
  • Deprecated enableRemoteConfig initial config flag
  • Deprecated remoteConfigCompletionHandler in config
  • Deprecated existing remote config methods:
    • remoteConfigValueForKey:
    • updateRemoteConfigWithCompletionHandler:
    • updateRemoteConfigOnlyForKeys:completionHandler
    • updateRemoteConfigExceptForKeys:completionHandler


  • Added back battery level reporting to crash reporting. Battery level is only reported if battery was enabled before.
  • Added new methods for changing the device id: changeDeviceIDWithMerge:, changeDeviceIDWithoutMerge:.
  • Fixed a bug where the app would crash if city, countryCode or IP in location was null.
  • Deprecated existing method to change the device id: setNewDeviceID:
  • Deprecated attributionID initial config flag
  • Deprecated recordAttributionID method


  • Added server configuration functionality. This is an experimental feature.
  • Not reporting battery level in the crash handler to prevent hanging


  • Added previous event ID and sending it with custom events.
  • Updated default maxSegmentationValues from 30 to 100


  • Added event IDs
  • Added current and previous view IDs to events
  • Added sending pending events before sending user details on save call.


  • Deleted previously deprecated userLoggedIn: and userLoggedOut methods

  • Added new exception recording methods: recordException:, recordException:isFatal:, recordException:isFatal:stackTrace:segmentation:

  • Deprecated existing exception recording methods: recordHandledException:, recordHandledException:withStackTrace:, recordUnhandledException:withStackTrace:

  • Added recordError:stackTrace:, recordError:isFatal:stackTrace:segmentation: methods for Swift errors

  • Other various improvements

    • Added device info to SDK initialization logs


  • Added direct requests support

  • Fixed missing remote config consent in consents request

  • Other various improvements

    • Updated some pragma marks


  • Fixed user details consent issue on SDK start

  • Updated feedback widget internal webview design and layout

  • Other various improvements

    • Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks


  • Added CountlyAutoViewTrackingName protocol for supporting custom view titles with AutoViewTracking

  • Added setNewURLSessionConfiguration: method to be able change URL session configuraion on the go (thanks @angelix)

  • Added ability to save user details on SDK initialization

  • Added device ID type to every request being sent

  • Fixed missing remote config consent

  • Fixed auto view tracking for iOS 13+ PageSheet modal presentations

  • Deleted previously deprecated and inoperative methods and config flags

  • Other various improvements

    • Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks
    • Updated Countly project settings for Xcode 13.4.1 (13F100)


  • Added direct and indirect attribution
  • Added platform info to default segmentation of push action events
  • Added recordRatingWidgetWithID:rating:email:comment:userCanBeContacted: method to be able to manually record rating widgets
  • Added macOS version info to Countly.xcodeproj (thanks @ntadej)
  • Updated sending consent changes to inlude all current consents state
  • Excluded Countly-PL.podspec from SPM manifest (thanks @harrisg)
  • Fixed possible SecTrustCopyExceptions leak
  • Deprecated presentFeedbackWidgetWithID:completionHandler: method


  • Fixed a crash when some default user detail properties are set to NSNull (thanks @lhunath)
  • Updated for minimum supported deployment targets


  • Updated minimum supported OS versions as iOS 10.0, tvOS 10.0, watchOS 4.0 and macOS 10.14

  • Updated some deprecated API usage to get rid of warnings

  • Added configurable internal limits maxKeyLength, maxValueLength and maxSegmentationValues

  • Added enableOrientationTracking config for disabling automatic user interface orientation tracking

  • Added setNewHost: method to be able change the host on the go

  • Added shouldIgnoreTrustCheck config for self-signed certificates (thanks @centrinvest)

  • Created additional Countly-PL.podspec for avoiding static framework issue on original Countly.podspec (thanks @multinerd)

  • Implemented cancelling all consents when device ID is changed without a merge

  • Implemented by-passing events consent for reserved internal events

  • Discarded consent requirement for changing device ID

  • Discarded auto metrics for Apple Watch

  • Discarded customHeaderFieldName and customHeaderFieldValue config properties

  • Discarded setCustomHeaderFieldValue: method

  • Fixed missing nullability specifier on CountlyCommon.h

  • Fixed missing info level logs on CountlyFeedbackWidget class

  • Fixed missing info level logs on CountlyUserDetails class

  • Deprecated userLoggedIn: and userLoggedOut methods

  • Deprecated going back to default system device ID

  • Other various improvements

    • Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks
    • Updated Countly project settings for Xcode 13.1
    • Deleted previously deprecated methods and properties
    • Refactored connectionType method


  • Added optional appear and dismiss callbacks for feedback widget presenting
  • Added manually displayed and recorded feedback widgets support
  • Fixed HTTP method check for feedback widget requests
  • Implemented immediately sending of queued events when a widget event is recorded


  • Added configurable internal log levels

  • Added internal logs for approximate received and sent data size for requests

  • Added numbers and boolean value types for custom user details methods

  • Added clearCrashLogs method for clearing custom crash logs (breadcrumbs)

  • Added navigationItem's title as a view title fallback for view tracking

  • Added Mac Catalyst support

  • Added selector precaution for CountlyLoggerDelegate method call

  • Added precautions for nil values in custom user details methods

  • Updated request successful check to consider response object

  • Updated default eventSendThreshold as 100

  • Fixed UIApplicationState usage for crashes occured on non-main thread

  • Fixed clearing custom crash logs

  • Fixed missing frameworks for ns subspec in podspec file

  • Fixed CountlyLoggerDelegate methods optionality

  • Fixed view tracking exception view checking

  • Fixed adding and removing view tracking exceptions on tvOS

  • Fixed cast warnings for an APM method internal log

  • Other various improvements

    • Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks
    • Updated Countly project settings for Xcode 12.4


  • Added loggerDelegate initial config property for receiving internal logs on production builds
  • Fixed manual view tracking state clean up when view tracking consent is cancelled
  • Updated CountlyFeedbackWidget.h as public header file in Xcode project file for Carthage
  • Added nullability specifiers for block parameters


  • Added Surveys and NPS feedback widgets

  • Added Swift Package Manager support

  • Added replaceAllAppKeysInQueueWithCurrentAppKey method to replace all app keys in queue with the current app key

  • Added removeDifferentAppKeysFromQueue method to remove all different app keys from the queue

  • Added deviceIDType method to be able to check device ID type

  • Added precaution and warning for nil crash report case

  • Added consents initial config property

  • Added device type metric

  • Updated dismiss button design

  • Fixed web view autoresizing mask for legacy feedback widgets

  • Fixed a missing CoreLocation framework import

  • Fixed unnecessary recreation of NSURLSession instances

  • Fixed dismiss button layout

  • Changed interface orientation change event consent from Events to UserDetails

  • Changed remote config consent from Any to RemoteConfig

  • Marked pushTestMode initial config property as _Nullable

  • Other various improvements

    • Refactored picture upload data extraction
    • Suppressed an internal log for interface orientation change
    • Updated some constant key declarations for common use
    • Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks


  • Deprecated recordLocation:, recordCity:andISOCountryCode:, recordIP: methods

  • Added new combined recordLocation:city:ISOCountryCode:IP: method for recording location related info

  • Deprecated enableAttribution initial config flag

  • Added attributionID initial config property

  • Added recordAttributionID: method

  • Discarded IDFA usage on optional attribution feature

  • Discarded COUNTLY_EXCLUDE_IDFA preprocessor flag

  • Updated PLCrashReporter subspec dependency version specifier as ~> 1

  • Other various improvements

    • Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks
    • Updated some initial config property modifiers as copy
    • Treated empty string city, ISOCountryCode and IP values as nil
    • Added warnings for the cases where city and ISOCountryCode code are not set as a pair


  • Implemented overriding default metrics and adding custom ones

  • Fixed advertising tracking enabled check

  • Other various improvements

    • Improved internal logs for pinned certificate check
    • Refactored extra slash check using hasSuffix: method
    • Renamed some app life cycle observing methods for clarity


  • Added Application Performance Monitoring (Phase 1)

    • Manual network traces
    • Manual custom traces
    • Semi-automatic app start time trace
    • Automatic app foreground time trace
    • Automatic app background time trace
    • Consent handling for Application Performance Monitoring
  • Added COUNTLY_EXCLUDE_PUSHNOTIFICATIONS flag to disable push notifications altogether in order to avoid App Store Connect warnings (thanks @grundleborg)

  • Fixed an incorrect internal logging on SDK start

  • Fixed location consent order to avoid some legacy Countly Server issue with location info being unavailable even after giving consent

  • Improved UIApplicationWillTerminateNotification behaviour

  • Prevented recording empty string as city, ISOCountryCode and IP for location info

  • Applied alwaysUsePOST flag to feedback widget check requests

  • Applied alwaysUsePOST flag to remote config requests

  • Other various improvements

    • Deleted some unnecessary imports
    • Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks
    • Added missing frameworks to CocoaPods podspec
    • Added ability to override SDK name and version for bridge SDKs


  • Added crash reporting feature for tvOS

  • Added crash reporting feature for macOS

  • Added crash reporting feature for watchOS

  • Added optional crash reporting dependency PLCrashReporter for iOS

  • Added UI orientation tracking

  • Added crash filtering with regex

  • Updated dSYM uploader script for accepting custom dSYM paths

  • Updated enableAppleWatch flag default value for independent watchOS apps

  • Fixed push notification consent method for macOS targets

  • Fixed not appearing rich push notification buttons for some cases

  • Discarded OpenGL ES version info in crash reports

  • Other various improvements

    • Deleted an unnecessary UIKit import
    • Added precaution for possible nil lines in backtrace
    • Added precaution for possible nil OS name value
    • Replaced scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval call with timerWithTimeInterval (thanks @mt-rpranata)
    • Updated architerture method for crash reports
    • Updated CocoaPods podspec for core subspec approach
    • Updated feature, consent and push test mode specifiers as NSString typedefs
    • Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks


  • Added temporary device ID mode

  • Added support for Carthage

  • Added custom URL session configuration support

  • Added custom segmentation support on view tracking

  • Added ability to change app key on the run

  • Added ability to flush queues

  • Added pushTestMode property and discarded isTestDevice property

  • Fixed WCSessionDelegate interception

  • Fixed title and message check in push notification payloads

  • Fixed binary image name extraction for crash reports

  • Fixed missing delegate forwarding for userNotificationCenter:openSettingsForNotification: method

  • Fixed in-app alerts on iOS10+ devices when a silent notification with alert key arrives

  • Discarded device ID persistency on Keychain

  • Discarded OpenUDID device ID option

  • Discarded IDFA device ID option

  • Discarded zero IDFA fix

  • Updated default device ID on tvOS as identifierForVendor

  • Other various improvements

    • Renamed forceDeviceIDInitialization flag as resetStoredDeviceID
    • Added lightweight generics for segmentation parameters
    • Added dSYM upload script to preserved paths in Podspec
    • Updated dSYM upload script to support paths with spaces
    • Changed request cache policy to NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData
    • Added battery level for watchOS 4.0+
    • Added JSON validity check before converting objects
    • Deleted unused kCountlyCRKeyLoadAddress constant
    • Improved internal logging in binary images processing for crash reports
    • Added persistency for generated NSUUID
    • Added precaution to prevent invalid requests from being added to queue
    • Discarded null check on request queue
    • Discarded all APM related files
    • Added length check for view tracking view name
    • Added length check for view tracking exceptions
    • Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks


  • Added push notification support for macOS

  • Added provisional push notification permission support for iOS12

  • Added remote config feature

  • Added recordPushNotificationToken method to be used after device ID changes

  • Added clearPushNotificationToken method to be used after device ID changes

  • Discarded Push Open event and replaced it with Push Action event

  • Fixed push notification token not being sent on some iOS12 devices

  • Fixed device ID change request delaying issue by discarding delay altogether

  • Fixed internal view controller presenting failure when root view controller is not ready yet

  • Fixed openURL freeze caused by iOS

  • Fixed wrong kCountlyQSKeyLocationIP key in location info requests

  • Fixed missing app key in feedback widget requests

  • Fixed feedback widget dismiss button position

  • Other various improvements

    • Discarded separate UIWindow usage for presenting feedback widgets
    • Added checksum to feedback widget requests
    • Improved internal logging for request queue


  • Added feedback widgets support

  • Added limit for number of custom crash logs (100 logs)

  • Added limit for each custom crash log length (1000 chars)

  • Added support for cancelling timed events

  • Added support for recording fatal exceptions manually

  • Added userInfo to crash report custom property

  • Added delay before sending change device ID request (server requirement)

  • Renamed isAutoViewTrackingEnabled as isAutoViewTrackingActive

  • Fixed Xcode warnings for askForNotificationPermission method

  • Fixed UIAlertController leak in push notification manager

  • Fixed crashSegmentation availability for manually recorded crashes

  • Fixed openURL: call thread as main thread

  • Updated minimum supported macOS version as 10.10

  • Other various improvements

    • Discarded separate UIWindow for presenting UIAlertControllers
    • Refactored buildUUID and executableName as properties
    • Refactored custom crash log array and date formatter
    • Updated HeaderDocs, inline notes, pragma marks


  • Added consent management for GDPR compliance

  • Exposed device ID to be used for data export and/or removal requests

  • Added precautions for SDK start state to prevent re-starting and early method calls

  • Added mutability protection for core functions, configuration properties, events and user details

  • Added COUNTLY_EXCLUDE_IDFA pre-processor flag to exclude IDFA references

  • Added API availability checks and warnings for Apple Watch and Push Notifications

  • Renamed reportView: method as recordView:

  • Fixed early ending of UIBackgroundTask

  • Fixed getting file path form local storage URL (thanks @dsmo)

  • Fixed not respecting doNotShowAlertForNotifications flag on iOS10+ devices

  • Fixed not starting requests queue when manualSessionHandling is enabled

  • Fixed block implicitly retains self warning in Star Rating

  • Fixed local variable shadowing warnings

  • Fixed Japanese language code for Star Rating dialog

  • Other various improvements

    • Refactored all location info into Location Manager
    • Refactored checkForAutoAsk in Star Rating
    • Refactored event recording for consents compatibility
    • Refactored Apple Watch matching
    • Refactored auto view tracking
    • Added top view controller finding method
    • Replaced asserts with exceptions
    • Deleted unneccessary method declarations in Push Notifications
    • Deleted unnecessary reference for WCSession.defaultSession.delegate
    • Deleted unnecessary TARGET_OS_OSX definition
    • Standardized nil checks
    • Renamed and reordered some query string constants
    • Updated HeaderDocs, inline notes, pragma marks
    • Performed whitespace cleaning


  • Added attribution config

  • Added recording city and country for GeoLocation

  • Added recording explicit IP address for GeoLocation

  • Added disabling GeoLocation

  • Updated recordLocation method to override inital location config

  • Fixed reserved key for IP address query string

  • Fixed a CoreTelephony related crash due to an iOS bug

  • Replaced NSUserDefaults with NSCachesDirectory on tvOS for persistency

  • Improved auto dSYM uploader script

  • Improved performance on stored request limit execution

  • Other various improvements

    • Fixed a placeholder type specifier for NSNumber
    • Deleted unnecessary CLYMessaging definition
    • Deleted unnecessary strong ownership qualifiers
    • Added Hindu translation for star rating dialog
    • Added change log file
    • Updated user details and star rating reserved keys as constants
    • Updated OpenGLESVersion method return type as NSString
    • Updated time related types as NSTimeInterval
    • Updated HeaderDocs


  • Updated for Xcode 9 and iOS 11

  • Added symbolication support for crash reports

  • Added Automatic dSYM Uploading script

  • Added extension subspec for integrating Rich Push Notifications with CocoaPods

  • Added nullability specifiers for better Swift compatibility

  • Added 28 new system UIViewController subclass exception for Auto View Tracking

  • Added convenience method for recording action event for manually handled notifications

  • Added convenience method for recording handled exception with stack trace

  • Added precaution for invalid event keys

  • Added precaution for corrupt request strings

  • Made Zero-IDFA fix optional

  • Fixed a view tracking duration problem where duration being reported as timestamp

  • Replaced crashLog method with recordCrashLog and added deprecated warning

  • Changed dispatch queue type for opening external URLs

  • Other various improvements

    • Added Bengali translation for star rating dialog
    • Updated metric, event, view tracking and crash report reserved keys as constants
    • Deleted unnecessary gitattributes file
    • Deleted duplicate Zero-IDFA const
    • Rearranged file imports
    • Updated HeaderDocs
    • Cleaned whitespace


  • Added Rich Push Notifications support (attachments and custom action buttons)

  • Added manual session handling

  • Added URL escaping for custom device ID and other user defined properties

  • Added support for accidental extra slash in host

  • Added architecture, executable name and load address for crash reporting

  • Added IP optional parameter

  • Added SDK metadata to all request

  • Switched to SHA256 for parameter tampering protection

  • Discarded recordUserDetails method and combined it with save method

  • Improved AutoViewTracking active duration calculation

  • Improved Countly payload check in notification dictionary

  • Fixed inner event timestamp for 32 bit devices

  • Fixed token cleaning when user's permission changes

  • Fixed checksum calculation for zero-IDFA fix case

  • Fixed OS version metric for tvOS

  • Fixed double suspend method call when user kills the app using App Switcher

  • Fixed a compiler warning for macOS targets

  • Fixed AutoViewTracking for macOS targets

  • Fixed showing of multiple alerts in succession

  • Other various improvements

    • Refactored picture upload data preparation from request string using NSURLComponents
    • Refactored zero-IDFA check
    • Refactored additional info to be sent with begin session request
    • Refactored checksum appending
    • Refactored URLSession generation
    • Refactored opening external URLs on main thread
    • Refactored device model identifier method
    • Refactored sending crash report into connection manager
    • Replaced __OPTIMIZED__ flag with DEBUG flag for push notification test mode detection
    • Replaced boundary method with constant string
    • Replaced text based dismiss button with cross dismiss button for star-rating
    • Redefined request query string keys as constants
    • Redefined push notification reserved keys as constants
    • Redefined GET request max length as a constant
    • Redefined server input endpoint as a constant
    • Redefined push notification test mode values as enum
    • Standardized some integer types
    • Standardized target checking preprocessor macro usage
    • Deleted unnecessary init override in push manager
    • Deleted unnecessary updateSessionPeriod property in connection manager
    • Deleted unnecessary starRatingDismissButtonTitle config property
    • Deleted internal crash test methods
    • Added Czech and Latvian localization for star-rating dialog
    • Changed example host URL for rebranding compatibility
    • Updated handling of notification on iOS9 and older
    • Updated alert key handling in push notification payload
    • Updated HeaderDocs
    • Cleaned whitespace


  • Refactored push notifications
    • Made integration more easy
    • Added iOS10 push notifications handling
    • Added convenience method for asking push notifications permission covers all iOS versions
    • Renamed feature name from CLYMessaging to CLYPushNotifications
    • Added configuration option doNotShowAlertForNotifications to disable push triggered alerts
    • Discarded complicated UIUserNotificationCategory actions
    • Added configuration option sendPushTokenAlways to record push token always (for sending silent notification to users without notification permission)
    • Discarded App Store URL fetching with NSURLConnection
  • Discarded iOS7 support and deprecated method calls
  • Switched to runtime controlled internal logging instead of preprocessor flag
  • Added AutoViewTracking support for tvOS
  • Added view controller title and custom titleView support for AutoViewTracking
  • Improved AutoViewTracking performance and Swift compatibility
  • Refactored suspending for crash reporting
  • Switched to async file save for suspending
  • Added user login and logout convenience methods
  • Added configuration option to enable Apple Watch related features
  • Moved archiving of queued request into sync block to prevent a very rare occurring crash
  • Refactored unsent session duration
  • Added completion callback for automatically displayed star-rating dialog
  • Partially fixed but temporarily disabled APM feature until server completely supports it
  • Fixed too long exception name in crash reports on iOS10
  • Other various improvements
    • Refactored starting method
    • Switched to separate window based alert controller displaying for push notifications and star-rating dialogs
    • Renamed constant kCountlyStarRatingButtonSize to prevent compile time conflicts
    • Renamed server input endpoint variable for white label SDK renamer script compatibility
    • Updated star-rating reserved event key
    • Added internal log for successful initialization with SDK name and version
    • Fixed unused UIAlertViewAssociatedObjectKey warning for macOS
    • Removed old deviceID zero-IDFA fixer redundant request
    • Added internal logging for connection type retrieval exception
    • Added exception type info to crash reports
    • Fixed duplicate exception adding for AutoViewTracking
    • Prevented Countly internal view controllers from being tracked by AutoViewTracking
    • Prefixed all category methods to prevent possible conflicts
    • Changed timer's runloop mode
    • Updated timestamp type specifier (thanks to @scottlaw)
    • Changed SDK metadata sending to begin_session only
    • Replaced empty string checks with length checks
    • Cleared nullability specifiers
    • Updated HeaderDocs
    • Cleaned whitespace


  • Fixed iOS10 zero-IDFA problem
  • Fixed TARGET_OS_OSX warning for iOS10 SDK on Xcode 8.
  • Fixed ending of background tasks.
  • Added parameter tampering protection.
  • Added density metric.
  • Added alwaysUsePOST config property for using POST method for all requests regardless of the data size.
  • Added timezone.
  • Switched to millisecond timestamp.
  • Disabled server response dictionary check.
  • Other minor improvements like better internal logging, standardization, whitespacing, code cleaning, commenting, pragma marking and HeaderDocing


  • Fixed a persistency related crash
  • Improved thread safety of request queue and events
  • Added Star-Rating, the simplest form of feedback from users, both automatically and manually.
  • Improved event recording performance and safety for APM and Auto View Tracking.
  • Added custom HTTP header field support for requests, both on initial configuration and later.
  • Standardized internal logging grammar and formatting for easier debugging
  • Improved headerdocs grammar and formatting for easier integration and usage
  • Fixed some static analyzer warnings


  • Added Star-Rating, the simplest form of feedback from users, both automatically and manually.
  • Improved event recording performance and safety for APM and Auto View Tracking.
  • Added custom HTTP header field support for requests, both on initial configuration and later.
  • Standardized internal logging grammar and formatting for easier debugging
  • Improved headerdocs grammar and formatting for easier integration and usage
  • Fixed some static analyzer warnings


  • Added support for certificate pinning.
  • Added deleting of user details properties on server by setting them as NSNull.
  • Implemented switching between GET and POST depending on data size on requests.
  • Fixed a URL encoding issue which causes problems for Asian languages and some JSON payloads.
  • Fixed custom crash log formatter.


  • Fixed a problem with changing device ID (for system generated device IDs)
  • Added isTestDevice flag to mark test devices for Push Notifications
  • Improved Auto View Tracking by ignoring non-visible foundation UIViewController subclasses
  • Implemented manually adding exception UIViewController subclasses for Auto View Tracking
  • Changed default device ID type for tvOS from IDFA to NSUUID
  • Added stored requests limit
  • Added optional parameters ISOCountryCode, city and location for advanced segmentation
  • Discarded timed events persistency
  • Added buildUUID and build number to Crash Reports
  • Added SDK name (language-origin-platform) to all requests
  • Changed default alert title for push messages
  • Other minor improvements like better internal logging, standardization, whitespacing, code cleaning, commenting, pragma marking and HeaderDocing


  • Swithed to POST method for all requests by default
  • Fixed some issues with Crash Reporting persistency
  • Fixed some issues with CocoaPods v1.0.0
  • Other minor fixes and improvements


Completely re-written iOS SDK with watchOS, tvOS & OSX support

  • APM
  • Manual/Auto ViewTracking
  • UserDetails modifiers
  • watchOS 2 support
  • tvOS support
  • Configurable starting
  • Custom or system provided (IDFA, IDFV, OpenUDID) device ID
  • Changing/merging device ID on runtime
  • Persistency without CoreData
  • Various performance improvements and minor bugfixes


Updated CocoaPods spec


  • Added WatchKit support
  • Added CrashReporting support
  • Fixed minor problems with Messaging
  • Added manually ending sessions on background fetch
  • Switched to Ubuntu version numbering