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Expert Panels & Affiliations Management

Matt W. Wright edited this page Feb 15, 2019 · 10 revisions

Expert Panel, Affiliation & User Management

(drafted by LBabb on 1/16)

Process owner candidates: Larry Babb, Danielle Azzariti, Laura Milko, Matt Wright

This ClinGen process covers the process of managing (registering, naming, id assignment, storing, sharing, removing, permissions, representing,..) affiliations and users for ClinGen activities. These users and affiliations are typically associated with accounts in the GCI and VCI, but it may also involve users and affiliations applying for expert panel status or involved in other aspects of ClinGen that do not necessarily require an account in the GCI/VCI. This process is born out of the real need for user and affiliation accounts set up in the GCI/VCI and has extended to include conventions and processes for managing Expert Panels.


All users must have an account created an managed by the VCI/GCI team to be able to access these tools and to join an Affiliation. An affiliation is a group of users. Users associated with an affiliation are considered members of that affiliation. Users can be members of more than one affiliation. Each affiliation is given a unique id by the GCI/VCI team and is considered a ClinGen authorized identifier which should never change or be reused. Affiliations can be made inactive. An expert panel is a special type of affiliation. All expert panels that wish to be the authors of Gene or Variant interpretations must have an affiliation. Not all affiliations are expert panels.

In Scope

user and affiliation id assignment to be publicly used throughout ClinGen. (i.e. website, iri, published interps, searching). the expert panel authorization committee should determine the point in time that an expert panel should be assigned a public clingen affiliation id and work with the VCI/GCI team to do so. the expert panel authorization committee should work with the VCI/GCI team to assure that the information captured and maintained in the affiliation repository is always accurate and accessible and used by downstream systems as the source of truth (i.e. website displays, structured data content).
accessibility to the affiliation data should be always available, findable and open. a process to notify users of the data when substantive changes in structure, content or accessibility might occur.


(agreed upon Feb 15 2019)

  1. All existing Expert Panels have confirmed their full and short base names in the "Expert Panel Base Names - Please Confirm" document
  1. "ClinGen VCEP & GCEP Names" document (also known as "Larry's sheet) https://docs
  1. Next Steps for Existing Expert Panels
  1. New Expert Panel Workflow


If we want affiliation membership to include everyone on the application, we should add in a field for email address on the EP application