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File metadata and controls

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Required Software and Packages

Java SE Development Kit 8

See page Installing Java for full instructions.

Play Framework

Intalling the Play Framework standalone distribution is optional. It is not required since all commands can be done through SBT.

See Installing Play.


Follow these instructions for Ubuntu:


MySQL can be installed on Ubuntu with the following command:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mysql-server

A database with 3 tables needs to be created on the MySQL server. See or change akka-persistence-sql-async settings in conf/application.conf. These settings are:

Setting Description Default value the host name or IP address for the machine hosting the MySQL database. localhost
slick.db.port the port name on the host used by the MySQL database. 3306
slick.db.dbname the database name. bbweb
slick.db.user the database user name. bbweb_user
slick.db.password the database user's password. bbweb_pwd

Here is an example of the MySQL commands to create a database and user using the default values.

create database bbweb;
create user 'bbweb_user'@'localhost' identified by 'bbweb_pwd';
grant all privileges on bbweb.* to 'bbweb_user'@'localhost' with grant option;

See file akka_persistence_schema.sql in the root directory of this project for a sample script on how to create the required database tables.

Server URL

Assign value admin.url in confg/application.conf to be the URL for the server. This URL is used in emails sent to users to confirm registration.

Administrator Email

Assign value in confg/application.conf to your administrator's email address. This will be the email address to use to log into the application for the first time. The password is testuser. Change the pasword for this user after the application is started.

Email notifications

Copy the file config/email.conf.template to config/email.conf and then edit config/email.conf and supply your own settings. These settings are:

Setting Description The DNS name of the SMTP server.
play.mailer.port The port number used by the SMTP server.
play.mailer.tls Should be yes if the SMTP server uses TLS, and 'no' otherwise.
play.mailer.ssl Should be yes if the SMTP server uses SSL, and 'no' otherwise.
play.mailer.user The user name on the SMTP server.
play.mailer.password The user's password.

Note: if you are using a Gmail SMTP server, the Google account must have Access for less secure apps turned on. Log into your google account and then go to this link to turn it on:

Debian Package

A Debian package can be created to install on target servers. Use the following command in a shell a the project's root directory:

sbt debian:packageBin

The debian package file will be created in the target directory. It will have a name similar to target/bbweb_<_VERSION_>_all.deb where <_VERSION_> is the current version of the application. This file can then be installed on the target machine.

Once installed, the application secret can be added to the /etc/default/bbweb configuration file. Add the following line to the bottom of the file:


Edit /usr/share/bbweb/conf/application.conf and add the Server URL as mentioned above. Then, create /user/share/bbweb/conf/email.conf from /user/hsare/bbweb/conf/email.conf.template as discussed above.

Replace __generated_value__ with the value generated by the command given below.

Application Secret

Generate an application secret using the following command:

sbt playGenerateSecret

To Start the Application

First, create the application with the following command:

npm run dist-build
sbt clean dist

Copy the generated ZIP file to the releases directory:

cp target/universal/ ~/bbweb_releases/
unzip -d ~/bbweb_releases target/universal/

Generate an application secret using the command given to start the server:

setsid ~/bbweb_releases/bbweb-VERSION/bin/bbweb -Dplay.http.secret.key=="__value_generated_above__"

Replace __value_generated_above__ with the value generated from the sbt playGenerateSecret command.

Setting up with Apache

The server can be run with Apache in front to provide HTTPS. See the Play documentation here: Setting up a front end HTTP server. SSL certificates can be installed using Let's Encrypt.

Proxy connections must be configured on the Apache server. See these instructions for how to do this: How To Use Apache HTTP Server As Reverse-Proxy Using mod_proxy Extension.

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