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Ackee GCE Mongodb Terraform module

This module is primary written for provisioning of GCE instance from our Mongodb image (

It does a few things :

  • Downloads RAW disk from GCS and create an image from it. (you can generate your own image with Packer using
  • Create SSH key for instance provisioning
  • Provision MongoDB config on GCE instance
  • Create (GCP) firewall rules so GKE pods can reach GCE MongoDB instances

Configuration explanation (followed by default values if applicable) :

  • project - name of GCP project
  • zone - zone of GCP project
  • instance_name - base for GCE instances name
  • cluster_ipv4_cidr - IPv4 CIDR of GKE cluster - for firewall rule setting
  • node_count:1 - number of MongoDB nodes to deploy
  • machine_type:n1-standard-1 - type of instance to deploy to
  • raw_image_source - URL of tar archive containing RAW source for MongoDB image (you can use Packer image template to generate image, as mentioned above)
  • rs:none - name of Replica Set. Leave default to not setup Replica Set
  • data_disk_gb:30 - size of persistent data disk, in GB - it will be mounted on /var/lib/mongodb and formatted as XFS
  • data_disk_type:pd-standard - type of persistent data disk - pd-standard or pd-ssd


module "mongodb-prod" {
  source = ""
  project = "my-gcp-project"
  zone = "europe-west3-c"
  instance_name = "mongodb-prod"
  cluster_ipv4_cidr = ""
  node_count = "3"
  raw_image_source = ""
  rs = "prod"